Understanding Refueling...
Monday, 17 December 2012 01:10
How to Refuel After a Hard Workout
By Nancy Clark
For Active.com
What's best to eat for recovery after a hard workout?
That's what marathoners, body builders, and fitness exercisers alike repeatedly ask. They read ads for commercial recovery foods that demand a three to one ratio of carbs to protein, tout the benefits of a proprietary formula, or emphasize immediate consumption the minute you stop exercising.
While these ads offer an element of truth, consumers beware: engineered recovery foods are not more effective than standard foods. The purpose of this article is to educate you, a hungry athlete, about how to choose an optimal recovery diet....
Post-Season Pigging Out...
Sunday, 16 December 2012 01:10
By Matt Fitzgerald (for triathlon.competitor.com)
How should your eating habits change with the race season now behind you?
Most North American triathletes have now completed their last triathlon of 2012. In most cases that means they
Sit Up Straight!
Saturday, 15 December 2012 01:10
By Sage Rountree (for Triathlon.competitor.com)
One simple action has a profound effect on your triathlon performance. You can and should do it anywhere from your car to your desk to a movie theater to your dining room table: sitting up straight.
Our habitual position isn
Do Compression Socks Really Work?
Friday, 14 December 2012 01:10
By Kelly O'Mara (triathlon.competitor.com)
The evidence appears anecdotal, but the perceived recovery benefits can
The Badass Gene...
Thursday, 13 December 2012 01:10
Going Off Course - What is a Badass? In preparation for this post, the MTN Guys asked their staff researcher, a Hawaiian dude named Wiki Pedia, that compelling question. Why? Because St. Louis Park triathlete Sean Michael Pease told us that his grandfather was a total Badass.
Here's what Wiki found: #1 - A Badass is a guy who likes to cause or get into trouble. Examples include Steve Stiffler, Megatron and the Clown guy in the "Saw" movies. Or: #2 - A guy with formidable strength or skill, like a badass guitarist or The Hulk.
Wiki also learned that the Badass Gene skips a generation, which means that Sean may also possess Badassedness.
If you read Sean's bio below, you'll probably become as confused as we used to be. You see, Sean has just as many "Goodass" traits, i.e. non-trouble-causing or non-demonstrating formidable strength or skill, as BA ones.
On the Badass side, Sean loves motorcycles and is skilled at fixing them, plus he has many, many tattoos which make people assume that he's been in prison....