Cold Water Swimming Stuff...
Friday, 15 February 2013 00:10
8 Ways to Handle Swimming in Cold Water
By Kevin Koskella
For Active.com
I'll be the first to say that I hate the cold. Cold air and especially cold water. During my 14 years of competitive swimming, I never once got used to or enjoyed jumping into a cold pool.
These days, I prefer open water swimming to pool swimming, but refuse to get in our local Pacific Ocean until it gets up around 66 degrees or so. Anything below that and I'm known to turn various shades of purple.
Cold water can not only be unpleasant and draining, it can also be dangerous. Even here in southern California, swimmers have had to be rescued because they couldn't cope with the frigid conditions. It's always best to do your open water swim training with a partner, just in case....
Stuff About Active Recovery...
Thursday, 14 February 2013 00:10
By Mary Eggers (for Xtri.com)
Often we talk about the training. The getting up early. The pushing through, the fatigue, the soreness. What we don't talk enough about is what brings it all together. The recovery. REST is a four letter word in this society of type triple A athletes, and trust me I am the captain of the club. At the same time REST is critical if we want to build fitness, and get stronger and faster.
There are different kinds of rest. These days the keyword is recovery
Why Triathletes Should Learn The Backstroke...
Sunday, 10 February 2013 00:10
By Sara McLarty (for triathlon.competitor.com)
The backstroke is easy to learn and helpful to triathletes for multiple reasons. It counteracts swimmer