The Reason Y...
Wednesday, 18 August 2010 05:00
Ywca Women's Tri Race Coverage - By Lydia Novotny (Image: Pretend it's Lydia & her best friend, Oscar. It helps to squint.)
Once again this race topped it with the volunteers and just the whole atmosphere at this triathlon was so different than any other. I had a woman come up to me before the race and thank me for giving her all the advice at a YW clinic I helped out at earlier this year...I thought to myself wow that's so nice of her! I feel like I'm still learning myself, but it felt good to be able to be an inspiration and help out others who are JUST starting out.
I warmed up like I usually do but really was feeling out of it today...After the warm up I was really not sure how this would go. I had been battling a cold this week not sure if it was due to so many races I've done in a row (5th weekend)..
Green Lake Stuff....
Tuesday, 17 August 2010 05:00
Race Coverage - Story & Photo by Rand Middleton, West Central Tribune
Northwoods Stuff...
Tuesday, 17 August 2010 05:00
Northwoods Race Coverage -
When not fighting crime and perpetuating the American Way of life, Denise Kaiser (photo right), whose
Turtleman Stuff...
Tuesday, 17 August 2010 04:30
Turtleman Coverage - Story & Photos By Darin Wieneke
Bright skies and warm temperatures, .....welcomed participants to the 27th Turtleman Triathlon on Saturday morning. More than 500 people tackled the historic course in individual and relay categories. The age of participants ranged from 16 to 86.
There were brilliant performances in virtually every race category, including the youngest..