
Empathy & Mispeld Werds...

charlesGoing Off Course - WARNING: This post contains ridiculous generalizations.

Sympathy and empathy are not the same things. Most girls know this. Most guys don't.

What's the difference, you ask?

We found this explanation when we asked the Google Gods, "Hey Google Gods, what's the difference between sympathy and empathy:"...

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Please Like Us....Please!

facebookMTN + Facebook=Prizes

By Darin Wieneke

MTN has finally joined the rest of the world (or at least 500 million others) and launched a Facebook page. The timing of the launch will allow us to provide even better and more extensive race coverage for the 2011 triathlon season. We will do our best to post race results even quicker on Facebook and encourage people to use our page as a discussion forum in regard to races....

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Even More Newsy & Notesy Stuff...

pam(Photo - L - R - Daryl Stevens preparing to moon, Kathryn Carlson, the statuesque Amy Woolsey, Pammy Stevens and flexing Nikki Berg, who married a guy last November and now has a last name that we don't know, at Buffalo Springs Lake in Lubbock, Texas.)

* 2010 Minnesota Grand Master of the Year, Pam Stevens, 58, turned in yet another brilliant effort last weekend at Chain of Lakes. Pammy finished 5th overall in a preposterously brisk 1:10:16, which lowered her own 50-59W course record by 3:52. Finishing 6th just twenty-seven ticks behind Pam was statuesque math teacher from Sauk Rapids, Amy Woolsey. We're mentioning Amy because, like Pam, she is really cool and we like her a lot....

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I Almost Shot the Minnow...

swim(Photo - Ang flashing the Luv Ya sign at the pool. This photo was taken weeks ago.)

By Hopper

I never swam as a kid at Discovery Middle School, the start of the Chain of Lakes triathlon. I started swimming in 3rd grade, continued until I graduated. Summer swimming was a life changing experience. All us kids would pile into a yellow school bus and drive to our swim meets together. We were literally a family, the

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Directionally Challenged...

ridersBy Micah Turman

Race Coverage - On Sept. 12th, 2010, I crossed the line at IMWI with lackluster results, for the amount of training time and commitment that I (and my coach, Chuckie V) thought I had put into my first ironman. I won't go into details, but the story is familiar: good swim, awesome bike, poor run. It wasn't even a run; it was a 26.2 mile shuffle/walk. After that day, I seriously considered not racing triathlons again. I wasn't upset about my race result, but somewhere during that summer of training 20 hours a week, working 50 hours a week, and trying to fulfill all other obligations, the line between fun and work became blurred, and I could no longer tell the difference....

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