
Craft Beer, Clive's Novels & a Haunch of Venison...

rossGoing Off Course - Ever heard the "Party Pooper" song? It's a parody of Frank Sinatra's "Pretty Baby," and it goes a little something like this:

Ever party needs a pooper

That's why we invited you,

Party pooper

Party pooper

It's tragic that many triathletes are party poopers. Sure, they'll party a little bit, like until 8:30. Then they leave 'cuz they need to get to bed early so they can get up early to train.

And there are those triathletes who don't party at all, just because it isn't a healthy thing to do. Talk about anal!...

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Stuff About Faith...

runBy Erika Sperl-Imhoff (from http://www.thetriathlonrx.com)

[Edit: I'm "double dipping" my posts today... if you follow me weekly on the Groucho Sports you can take today off (or go check out our other awesome writers!) because this note on faith is up there as well. It's a benchmark in my recovery, and I wanted it to be recorded for me to look back on. Will certainly update how everything goes later!]

My PT shared something with me yesterday afternoon. He said that given my latest x-rays, my current state in rehabilitation, and my imminent psychosis from watching runners out my front door making their way around Calhoun all day, I could try a

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More Cool Indoor Tri Stuff...

amberEvent Coverage - On April 1, 66 athletes got "chicked" at the Life Time-Woodbury Indoor Triathlon. The event was staged at the Woodbury club, of course, which is across the street from a Tires Plus and not far from Sam's Club and a relatively new Super Target. It's a great place to work out before and after you shop for stuff.

We digress.

The girl who chicked the entire field two Sundays ago was Amber Sauve. Your guess as to how her last name is pronounced is as good as ours. It could be "Saw-Vee." Or maybe "Saw-Vay." Probably neither.

According to her FB page, Amber has many children, is pretty and, as is apparent in the photo (L), sometimes goes topless at the lake. Her run-bike combination at Woodbury was impressive and she earned a three point win over Jim Bena and Katie Penvose, who tied for 2nd. Sauve unashamedly admits that she never misses "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" and attends Eagle Brook Church....

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Julie's Epic Tale

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Cathy's Words...

girls(Photo - Fast Friends: Cathy, Angie Schmidt & Julie Hull.)

By Cathy Yndestad

Leadman 125 Report - This event was one for the memory books. A group of us from MN decided to sign up for the event about a month ago. A fantastic reason to get a group together in a fun city and bank a quality spring training event in the process. Peer pressure at its finest!

Initially I thought the biggest factor for the swim would be the frigid water temps. Early reports from the week put the water near 60 degrees. Since I

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