Running Sucks, But.....
Saturday, 09 February 2013 00:10
(Cool Photo Art by N.C. Winters)
By Susan Lacke
There are a lot of things I could be doing instead of running. I could nap. Or watch reality TV. Or
Tri U Mah Stuff...
Friday, 08 February 2013 00:10
By Diane Gotoheven
The ninth annual Tri U Mah Indoor Triathlon happened at The U last weekend. The largest such event in Minnesota, this year's 90-minute challenge (30-S, 30-B, 30-R) had almost 200 total enrollees, of which approximately 150 participated and finished.
The fastest dude for the fourth consecutive year was French Guy, Julien Sein. Sein, who is very, very smart (Ph.d in medical stuff, we think?), has a cool accent and beard and, unlike the silly cultural stereotype, doesn't smoke, hate Americans or bathe infrequently. He now owns the three best male performances ever at Tri U Mah. Last Sunday, he covered 18.483 total miles. He covered 19.049 in 2012 and 18.753 in 2010. Only one other guy has won this event on multiple occasions, that being Devon Palmer (2008, 2007)....
High on Adventure...
Thursday, 07 February 2013 00:10
By Bonnie Countmein
(From misadventureracing.com)
Tilting my head back deeper into the snow, I looked over the top of my forehead and surveyed my surroundings. The snow covered ground now hung like an angry sky, an impostor ready to burst. Barren and blackened trees jutted down out of the mock ceiling with outstretched arms, cutting towards the cloudy ground. Glancing towards my feet, I tried again to push the bike off my body but the severe downward angle I was laying at made it seem impossible to heave the seventy pound behemoth off my legs. I began digging in the snow around me, hoping to drop just a little lower than the wedged frame and pull myself out from under the bike. No change. I found myself laughing as I called out to my race partner, Focused Dave, who had continued riding on, unaware of my sudden crash. Silence....
The AOY Debate...
Wednesday, 06 February 2013 00:10
When it was announced last week that Dan Hedgecock DID NOT win the USAT Athlete of the Year award, MTN heard from lotsa folks--four actually, three guys and a girl--who were upset. "How could he not win? He was clearly the best amateur triathlete in the country last season," said one of the guys.
As a member of the USAT Selection Committee, one of the MTN Guys is quick to point out that the award does not necessarily go to the BEST athlete. It goes to the one that is perceived to have had the superior resume. He believes that even if
2013 Minnesota Junior Elite Team...
Monday, 04 February 2013 01:10
Coach Kris at OptumHealth Performance sent us some stuff about the 2013 Minnesota Junior Elite Team, and we're pleased as punch to share it with MTN's readers. Here's the cut-and-pasted info he sent us about the Team, it's philosophy and its mission:
Team Mission