The AOY Debate...

drewWhen it was announced last week that Dan Hedgecock DID NOT win the USAT Athlete of the Year award, MTN heard from lotsa folks--four actually, three guys and a girl--who were upset. "How could he not win? He was clearly the best amateur triathlete in the country last season," said one of the guys.

As a member of the USAT Selection Committee, one of the MTN Guys is quick to point out that the award does not necessarily go to the BEST athlete. It goes to the one that is perceived to have had the superior resume. He believes that even if

DAN HEDGECOCK, 25, Minneapolisdan

1st @ Hy-Vee 5150 National Championship - 1:52:31 (Race Record)

1st @ St. Anthony's 5150 - 1:53:15

1st @ Life Time - Minneapolis Tri - 1:56:09 (Course Record)

1st amateur / 2nd overall @ Chisago Half - 4:06:19 (Amateur Record)

1st amateur @ Trinona Olympic

3rd @ USAT AG Nationals (1:55:06)

5th @ Clermont Draft Legal Challenge

DREW SCOTT, 22, Boulder, CO

1st overall @ Buffalo Springs Lake 70.3 - 4:01:13 (Amateur Record)

1st amateur @ Boulder 70.3 - 3:58:24 (Fastest US Amateur 70.3 time of 2012)

1st amateur @ Boulder Peak

drew1st amateur @ Rev 3- Anderson - 4:08:35

1st @ 5430 Sprint

2nd @ USAT AG Nationals - 1:54:09

3rd @ Hy-Vee 5150 Nationals Championship - 1:54:21

5th overall / 3rd amateur @ USAT Collegiate Nationals


* VOLUME - Scott turned in 8 Elite Performances, i.e. efforts against national-level competition, in 2012; Hedge had 6 such efforts. Advantage: Scott

* OLYMPIC DISTANCE RACING - With his Hy-Vee, Minneapolis and St. Anthony's victories, Hedge clearly proved that he was America's premier amateur at this distance. Scott ranked between 2nd and 4th at this distance (along with Brian Duffy, Jr., Adam Webber and Jake Rhyner.) It should be noted that major Olympic distances races typically draw significantly deeper fields than non-Championship long course races. Advantage: Hedge.

* LONG DISTANCE - Scott turned in, arguably, the two best 70.3 performances--Boulder and Buffalo Springs Lake--of the season by an American amateur. Hedge had one stellar effort at 70.3, though probably not quite in the same league with Scott's. Advantage: Scott.

* VERSATILITY - Combining volume, short and long course success, Scott gets the nod here. Advantage: Scott.

* DISCIPLINES: Scott his the superior swimmer. Hedge is a stronger cyclist and runner. Advantage: Not sure. Being a great swimmer is a good thing.

* BEST DAD: Troy and Dave. Both guys have awesome dads. Advantage: None.

* GIRLFRIENDS: We don't know Scott's girlfriend, but we're pretty sure she's cool, but Claire may be the awesomest GF ever. Advantage: Hedge

Okay, the last two things were not part of the USAT conversation. Now, after looking at the comparisons, who do you believe--Hedge or Scott--deserved the AOY trophy?
