
LAMS' Fastest Women...

s.carlson.gifAs promised, here are three of the LAMS (Lakes Area Multisports) women that are racing at the front of the pack, and their 2015 highlights.


- MICHELLE ANDRES, 38, East Gull Lake


1st @ Ironman Wisconsin - 10:08:05

2:16:59 @ Chicago Worlds

MA has been the Lakes Area's premier female multisport since 2004, her first full season. (She received a Rookie of the Year nomination.) Since then, she has amassed 19 victories....

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Seriously Great Recovery Foods...

dried-cherries.gifBy Matthew Cadey, R.D (triathlon.competitor.com)

Your post-workout nutrition is not something to take lightly. That’s because what you put in your body after hitting the shower can play a huge role in helping your body recover more quickly from a robust workout. And the quicker and better you bounce back, the greater the fitness gains you’ll attain from your time in the water, pounding the pavement and perched atop a saddle. It turns out that spaghetti and protein powder aren’t the only recovery foods you should have in your arsenal. These items have research-proven benefits for athletes who want to recharge like a champ.

Dried Cherries
After a calorie-crushing workout it’s a good idea to reach for a handful of dried cherries. A plethora of research has demonstrated that the payload of antioxidants in tart cherries—the type of cherry most often sold in dried form—can improve training recovery by helping to reduce exercise-induced muscle inflammation. It’s ...

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Here Come the LAMS...

casey-running-fast.gifMinnesota has many awesome tri teams. If you are not a member of one, we wholeheartedly recommend that you consider joining up. The training and social benefits, not to mention the tight clothing, will help you solidify your bond with the endurance lifestyle. The bond of team membership is a Super Glue-type deal, not a Poligrip one, that can cause occasional slippage.

From the standpoint of competitiveness, there is arguably no more talented amateur tri team in the US than Gear West. (Their pros--David Thompson and Heather Lendway--are top notch, too.)

Now Sports has a very competitive team, too, especially their ladies, three of whom--LISA LENDWAY (3rd), DIANE HANKEE (8th) and NICOLE HEININGER (10th)--made Team Minnesota in 2015.

A team that has been on the rise, competitively speaking, for the last few years is LAMS (Lakes Aear Multisport), which is based in the Brainerd Lakes area. The...

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Important Stuff About Overtraining...

Overtraining.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams (premiersportsandspine.com)

Overtraining is an issue many runners, cyclists, and other endurance athletes alike might not truly understand even though they may be doing it. A plateau or decline in athletic performance typically take a toll mid-season when athletes are trying to fit in too much volume and not enough rest and easy days or improper nutrition. Fortunately there are ways to detect and take care of such an ailment before it sidelines any hopes toward your remaining season goals.

Clues typically include being over-fatigued and feeling burned out. Be weary as many expect to feel that way…but you’re not. World-class athletes wake up fresh, not tired. If they wake up tired, red lights go off. This expectation is...

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Late Bloomers....

thad-pigman.gifLast Monday we posted a list of Minnesota women who began their winning ways after turning forty. Today we highlight five Minnesota men who did likewise.


CHAP ACHEN - 1st @ Wingman 2012 (Age 44) - Chap now has at least seven wins and has been nominated for MOY twice.

MIKE DANIELSON - 1st @ 2011 Minneapolis Duathlon (Age 47)

GREG DUMMER - 1st @ 2011 Lake Marion Sprint (Age 40) - Greg also won Heart of the Lakes Sprint in 2014.

JEFF GREBNER - 1st @ 2012 St. Paul Sprint (Age 45) - Jeff also won Buffalo Sprint last June....

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