
Great Destinations....


ED. On December 20, Completetri.com published a story called "10 Great Destination Triathlons." Here are the three awesome races from our region that were highlighted:

Brewhouse Triathlon (MN)(photo). In early August, the Brewhouse Triathlon provides a one-of-a-kind venue for a triathlon: The beautiful port city of Duluth, the scenic North Shore of Lake Superior, and the Minnesota Northwoods. While there are other great races in this part of the country (such as the Northwoods Tri in Nevis), we went with the one that has been around for the longest time. The Brewhouse starts in pristine Island Lake Park, takes cyclists through some nicely paved and low-traffic...

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Love & Revenge...

love-revenge.gifYou never want to hurt the one you love. But sometimes, you want to see them suffer just a little.

By Susan Lacke (triathlon.competitor.com)

Living with a triathlete means living with someone affected with an intermittent case of “Head-in-Ass Syndrome.” Take a person who is otherwise kind, generous and compassionate, expose them to a few months of 5 a.m. swims and four-hour bike rides, and you’ll soon create someone who plows through life like Pac Man, merely following the maze and munching whatever dots are in the way....

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Feel Like a Kid Again...

bertam-blas.gifBy Dr. Brett Oden

Inaugural Bertram Blast Race Preview - This is my prescription for the vast majority of us who find that we are spending way too much time in front of a screen. Granted exercise is like sex: even when its bad, its good; but some is much more restorative than others. Lately I’ve found that time spent among the trees is far better for me physically and mentally than out on the roads. In terms of health, higher...

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Gotta Do This!

King-Boreas-Winter-Tri-Logo.gifBy Kris Swarthout

The King Boreas Winter Triathlon will take place on Sunday, January 31st starting at 10am at Phalen Golf Course in Saint Paul.  The distances are 5k Run, 17k Bike, 7.5k Ski.  Nestled in Saint Paul’s East side, the venue is 20 minutes from MSP International Airport and 5 minutes from the heart of downtown. The race is an official Saint Paul Winter Carnival event and is made possible through the support of it’s fantastic sponsors; HED Cycling, Now Bike and Fitness, Finn Sisu, Team RWB, Insight Brewing and Clif nutrition.  

The course will consist of an rolling off road 5k run counterclockwise around Lake Phalen, a 5 lap off road bike leg which will feature the famous HED “Fly-over”, and a single lap of the Phalen Golf Course Ski course.  A preview of the course will be held on Saturday...

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Looking at the 2016 Schedule...

calendar.gifGosh, it's 2016 already. Can you believe it?

It's time to talk about the 2016 outdoor tri / du season. At the height of triathlon's popularity, circa 2009 - 2011, there were as many 78 adult outdoor tris and dus staged annually on MInnesota soil. This number did not include the Pigman races in Iowa, the St. Croix Valley, Croixathlon and Burrito Union races that are staged in western Wisconsin. Last year that number dipped to 69. Currently, there are 61 Minnesota tris and dus slated for '16.

What races are going away? Here's are those events that are not scheduled to return:

- Burrito Union 5 & 10-Hr. Triathlons

- Land Between the Lakes (It has been converted to a canoe tri)

- Manitou Sprint

- Ztri

- Paul Bunyan Olympic & Sprint

- Lakefront Days Triathlon

- Waseca 1/3 & Sprint

- Square Lake Long Course ....

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