
Patience Rewarded...

weather-report.gifPhoto filched from Jennifer Fitzharris-Funk's FB page.

TRINONA VIII - The race was supposed to start at 6:45 AM yesterday, but had to be put off until 10. Persistent thunderstorms, replete with wind, rain and a lazer light show of lightning, forced several postponements. Along the way, a significant portion of those who showed up, decided to leave. In the end, though, 398 athletes would cross the finish. If you were there, you'd agree that it was remarkable that that many folks hung out in their cars until the weather changed its mind.

When it did, the conditions--cloudly, coolish and breezy--proved to be conducive to great performances and several records went down....

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"Thanks Dad!"

mitchell-and-girl.gifED. Results of yesterday's Fairmont Triathlons are now available - LINK.  Words and photos of today's weather-delayed Trinona Sprint (Olympic was cancelled) will post tomorrow. RESULTS

By Mitchell Clayton (mitchellclaytontriblog.wordpress.com)

Cinco Du Mayo Race Report - This morning the gang (my dad Todd, my girlfriend Claire, but not my mom Amy this time, and I) headed out to Square Lake Park for the Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon. We all live in Forest Lake, so it was a quick 20 minute drive out into Minnesota’s rolling countryside for my third duathlon ever. We pulled into the  park and I set up my transition spot and just waited around and listened to the pre-race music being played over the PA system. At about 8:10 (50 minutes until my 9:00 start time) I went to change into my Team USA tri suit. But wait… The zipper to my bag was open and my tri suit was nowhere to be seen! Panicking, I retraced my steps from the car and checked my transition spot. Nothing. So we called my mom and of course it was laying on the steps at home… Nice.  My dad drove home and back to get it and I was able to change into my suit about 5 minutes before my start. Thanks dad!

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Asturiasian * Adventure...

Matt-McCoy.gifED. Words and pics on today's Liberty and Fairmont triathlons on Monday or Tuesday.

Liberty Results:  LINK 

By Matt McCoy

Greetings from Aviles.

Duathlon Worlds Race Report - I'm glad the race is done! I survived and didn't keep any cyclist around me from being able to say the same thing. I do have a bunch of stories! Overall I'm glad I was able to once again be a member of Team USA at the International Triathlon Union World Championships. I met a lot of cool people with interesting experiences and encounters. I also got to know people better that I had met and or known of before. One person in particular...too bad she lives on the other side of the country. (US west coast) We will get together later this month however so that's pretty awesome.

The race itself was an adventure. The city while having an amazingly picturesque historic district, it does have a strong industrial base. Most damaging to my...

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Boston, Birkie, Rim-to-Rim etc....

jordan-roby.gifJune 2016 Interview - Elite amateur triathlete and runner, Jordan Roby


By Brad Mitchell (obsessivetripulsive.weebly.com)

Jordan is a personable guy who is part of a core group of Minnesotan men and women elite amateur athletes . This group sets the bar high for the rest of us and helps make Minnesota one of the best multi-sport states in the country.  His athletic and professional accomplishments are impressive and his best is yet to come.
Boston Marathon 2016.  You ran a blazing 3:00:35 (6:54 pace) apparently on one day a week training. Please explain how you did that and if that program was something you planned or life planned for you....

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The Freeway-Free Life...

bigdummy.gifBy Matthew Payne (matthew-payne.blogspot.com)

Hey... I'm back. This is where I'd normally make some lame excuses for not posting in over a year. I've been super busy, blah blah whatever. Of course that would all be bullshit. The truth is I simply haven't felt like writing anything. I do what I want...

 The Most Interesting Man In... Golden Valley?

The more observant among you may have noticed that the masthead on this fabulous little slice of the internet has changed. Over the winter we relocated our operation to the mean streets of Golden Valley, MN. Anyway, the new house is sweet. The best feature is that it's 1.8 miles from the front door to my desk at work (the actual desk mind you, not just the parking lot), so my days of sitting in rush hour traffic are....

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