Race Coverage

"Thanks Dad!"

mitchell-and-girl.gifED. Results of yesterday's Fairmont Triathlons are now available - LINK.  Words and photos of today's weather-delayed Trinona Sprint (Olympic was cancelled) will post tomorrow. RESULTS

By Mitchell Clayton (mitchellclaytontriblog.wordpress.com)

Cinco Du Mayo Race Report - This morning the gang (my dad Todd, my girlfriend Claire, but not my mom Amy this time, and I) headed out to Square Lake Park for the Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon. We all live in Forest Lake, so it was a quick 20 minute drive out into Minnesota’s rolling countryside for my third duathlon ever. We pulled into the  park and I set up my transition spot and just waited around and listened to the pre-race music being played over the PA system. At about 8:10 (50 minutes until my 9:00 start time) I went to change into my Team USA tri suit. But wait… The zipper to my bag was open and my tri suit was nowhere to be seen! Panicking, I retraced my steps from the car and checked my transition spot. Nothing. So we called my mom and of course it was laying on the steps at home… Nice.  My dad drove home and back to get it and I was able to change into my suit about 5 minutes before my start. Thanks dad!


I lined up at the start for the “2 mile” – 10 mile – “2 mile” run. Why are these in quotes? I’ll explain later on. I was at the front of the line with a couple of other guys. The race director made a few comments and then “READY… GOOOO!” We took off and I got out to a quick lead. We went up the hill out of the park, and started on the “2 mile” out and back run that had a slight hill in the middle. The day before my dad and I drove the course, so I knew exactly where 1 mile from the start line was supposed to be. I got there… But no turn around was in sight. I looked back and had about a 50 yard lead so I just kept running. A minute or two later I got to the turn around, preceded to turn around, and ran back into the park. READ MORE
