
From Surrey to Sauk Rapids...

rob_run.pngWhat's the difference between a "wanker" and a "tosser?"

Only people from the UK know for sure, so we plan to ask Rob Madgwick the next time we see him.

Rob is a 52-year-old Englishman who has resided in Sauk Rapids for the last several years. He's originally from the small city of Haslemere, the southermost town in Surrey. To get from Haselmere to London, you can take the "South West Trains." If you would rather drive, the A3 is just a few miles west of town.

Haslemere is a beautiful town that looks a bit like Sandford, the perennial "Village of the Year" in the awesome movie, "Hot Fuzz."

Rob is not just a British guy who looks like an older version of Ed Sheeran and lives in a suburb of St. Cloud, where he works for a company called Blackboard, Inc., which, we were disappointed to learn, does not actually manufacture blackboards. We'd tell you what the company does, which is totally cool and totally comprehensive, but it's pretty complicated, so we invite you to visit its website (blackboard.com) and/or FB page.

"Madge" is also a decorated multisport guy. His duathlon resume is particulately impressive. So much so that he was included in the Master of the Year discussions in 2016....

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Prolific & Dapper....


Our highlighting of Minnesota's 60+ multisporters continues with today's featuring of PETER LANCASTER. He's 62, a Minneapolis resident and a highly respected and accomplished lawyer. He's also a nice guy who wears cool designer glasses and looks awesome in suits.

Though fellow sixty-genarians like Greg Taylor, Neil King, Len Klun, and a few others, seem to get more media recognition, Lancaster nevertheless stands out, thanks largely to the fact that he is a very prolific racer. He loves to compete and has been blessed with the kind of health that allows him to race ten-or-more times in a season. So, when the dust clears at season's end, Lancaster will likely have racked up more divisional wins than most, if not all, of his AG counterparts.

Check out Peter's highlights for the last two seasons:

2016 -

- 1st AG @ Lake Minnetonka

- 1st AG @ Graniteman Big Lake Sprint

- 1st AG @ Hopkins Royal

- 1st AG @ Square Lake Short Course

- 1st AG @ One Last Tri Sprint ....

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Self-Care: Refilling the Cup...


By Deanna Pomfret (teamusa.org)

My friend called me one morning to confirm that we were meeting up for a run. She’s the mother of three children who were giving her a hard time that day. She said “It’s not even 9 a.m. and my patience cup is empty.” We went for our run and afterward she said, “OK, it’s full again.”

If you put your ability to adapt to training into a cup, it would be similar to my friend’s patience cup. Stress is stress. Stress happens for many reasons like when we get sick, deal with difficult people, train and race. Our brain and body go through a chemical hormonal process that helps maintain health and adaptation to both physical and mental stress....

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Cool New Clubs...

CenturyClub_banner.pngED. Here's a couple of new USAT sponsored clubs that are worth your consideration:


About the Century Club

The Century Event Club will be composed of any USA Triathlon members that has completed 100 or more triathlons or 100 or more duathlons for as long as they have been competing.
Athletes will receive a reward from USA Triathlon after every 100 events. Athletes will be asked to provide USA Triathlon with their completed event names, dates and results. At each milestone, the athlete will be placed into that specific club (100 races, 200 races, 300 races, etc.) and rewarded with a gift from USA Triathlon....

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Change is Good......


By Jessica Rossing (Facebook)

I'm feeling a bit wistful this morning. For the past 8 years at this exact time I have been in the air en route to Miami to kick off the tri season with the South Beach triathlon.

It's hard, and not all at the same time. I'm not racing as much this year. I didn't take my team USA spot for the Netherlands this September. To instead have a summer full of different adventures.

Miami holds so many memories. I've met lifelong friends, experienced life changing events, and many firsts in the 305. I'm sad to not be headed there now. Triathlon in general holds so many memories. This feels huge to me to be switching it up and doing something different this year. I didn't think I'd feel so conflicted at times. Miami has been the start to my season, to a life I've know for the past 8 years....

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