
Soreness: The Good Kind or the Bad Kind?

good_pain.pngBy Jordan D. Metzl (triathlete.com)

How to tell if your post-workout soreness is the good kind or the bad kind—and how to keep it from turning wicked.

When muscle tissue is injured by exercise, the fibers tear. Ideally, in a day or two the fibers repair themselves and are stronger than before. This is the basis of building muscle, and some muscle soreness after a workout—especially during the first few weeks of intensified activity—is to be expected. It’s totally normal for your quads and glutes to ache after the first hilly run or ride of the season, for example.

But if your muscle soreness is intense and doesn’t begin until 24 to 48 hours after the muscle injury, you may have a serious condition called delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). It can happen when you apply an excessive loading force to muscle cells. It’s important to distinguish the symptoms of DOMS from the everyday aches and pains that come after hard exercise. This pain can be severe....

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Food That Helps You Sleep Better...


By Pippa Taylor (triathlete.com)


Q: I sometimes have trouble sleeping. Are there any foods that can help or any that I should avoid?


A: Sleep is vital for not only athletes trying to recover from rigorous training schedules, but for everyone for overall health and optimal functioning. The complex relationship of physiological and psychological effects means it also helps prevent muscle loss and speeds weight loss, while inadequate sleep leads to worsened...

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"Weird How That is"...

Screen_Shot_2017-04-18_at_9.34.24_PM.pngED. Most Improved nominee in 2015 and all around cool guy, Mike Ward has been concentrating on ultra running the last two season and has emerged as a national level talent. Here's his latest race report.

By Mike Ward (mikeward.cool/blog)

Race Day: Friday, April 7, 2017

Zumbro Midnight 50 Mile Race Report - Never in my life have I had such a perfect training block leading up to a race. I guess that is a bold statement to make, but I feel like there is always some sort of question or apprehension, some little nagging injury or training fall-out that makes you question the pending performance. This year, this race, and with race week taper in full force, I was so content with every single mile I had put in and the output of fitness it produced. I was running faster and stronger than ever....

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Don't Text & Train...



By Bethany Mavis (triathlete.com)


Talking or texting on a cell phone while you exercise will lower your workout intensity and alter your balance. That’s the latest info from researchers at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania who’ve released two studies looking into the effects of texting, listening to music and talking on exercise. In their latest study, published in December, the researchers examined 45 college students’ cell phone use during postural stability...

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Wishing She Was Here...


Not long ago we posted about a couple of homegrown athletes--Chris Leiferman and Matt Hanson--who emerged as first-tier pros after they moved out-of-state. They had yet to establish themselves as elite performers before their relocation....

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