Race Previews

Silver Anniversary Edition...

cakeDoesn't this cake look like a ginormous cleverly sculpted Little Debbie Zebra Cake? It does to us. Ummmmmmmm. Looks super yummy and totally devoid of nutrition and capable of causing diabetes with just one bite, doesn't it? There's got to gallons of high fructose corn syrup in that sucker!

Excuse us whilst we sop up the saliva off the keyboard.

Well folks, the beloved Heart of the Lakes Triathlon is celebrating its 25th anniversary this weekend. We'd like to recommend that all participants make a special effort--smiles and thank yous are good, hugs are even better--on Sunday to let the race organizers and volunteers know that you appreciate the

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We Want Anne To Win...

anneAnne Garlock is a totally nice person. She's and avid triathlete and her family may evenbarn have a barn with "GARLOCK" shingled into the roof. But maybe not. There may me more than one Garlock family in the world. The photo of the insanely pretty girl may or may not be the right Anne Garlock. We found this pic on Google. As we said, it's possible that there are multiple Garlocks, and maybe even multiple Anne Garlocks.

Yesterday Anne--we're on a first name basis now--sent us an e-mail saying that she enjoys Minnesota Tri News. Her generous words, there were at least 20 of them, made our day. Heck, it made our week. We now want Anne to be our BFF.

And we hope that Anne wins the Chaska Triathlon on Saturday....

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Kids These Days...


Kate and Thomas are 29. Not individually; their combined age is 29. Kate Lowrey is 15, Thomas Edwards is 14, and they are talented enough to be listed among the podium hopefuls for this Saturday's Chaska River City Days Triathlon....

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Keeping The Hardware At Home

LTF Tri logoBy Norm De Plume

Who are the most successful amateur triathletes in America right now?...

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Hotel Timberman...

swim"...You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."

This is one of the more jarring lines from the 1977 Eagle's classic "Hotel California." The song allegorically addresses the addictive and self-destructive nature of excess in America, and especially in Southern California; an especially in the SOCAL music industry.

These words apply, albeit in a non-sardonic way, to what can be called the "Timberman Experience." Staged in one of our region's most picturesque and peaceful locations, the Timberman, "Minnesota's Destination Triathlon," is addictive. But it is not destructive. It is rejuvenating...

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In Search of Epistolary Performances...

stickyMatt Priess (L - we don't have a picture of him yet) is anxious to race at the Graniteman Triathlon this Sunday. lakeSo much so that he'll probably pee a gazillion times between now and then.

Why is Mr. Priess so goshdarn anxious?

He thinks that he can win on Sunday. If he does, it would be his first career victory.

Good luck, Matthew! We think you have a legitimate chance to make your bladder-stimulating dream come true. Certainly your 3rd place finish at RochesterFest Sprint last month suggests that you're...

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