To Beard. Or Not to Beard....
Saturday, 28 March 2015 01:10
By Eric Turner (eturnertri.com)
Race day is coming next week and it will be my first shot at 70.3 distance. With all the press lately about the power savings just from shaving your legs I am now torn on shaving my beard or not. Here’s some of the back story/pro’s and con’s.
I have had a beard for almost 5 years, shaving with a razor only once when my beloved Blackhawks won the cup. Other than that it has just been some trimming here and there (mostly there). My girlfriend has only seen me without a beard that one time, and she almost broke up with me for shaving (she loves the beard, she’s cool like that). Now I have been trying to get races to add a bearded division for those of us brave enough to race bearded, but have not had much luck, so here I am debating.
Now the benefits are pretty obvious. There’s the aero data that came out about shaving your legs, so I am going to guess shaving the beard would only increase my aerodynamics. There’s also the heat factor, it’s looking like temps around 85 or 90 for race day? I did a track workout this morning and the beard was hot…real hot....
Hanging Out, Smiling, Laughing, Bonding...
Friday, 27 March 2015 01:10
Toughman Florida – Race report
By Lisa Lendway (FYI - Today--March 27--is Lisa's Birthday.)
The short version: swim – short, double-loop through alligator-infested waters (17:30, after the race some of the athletes wearing GPS said it was around .8 miles, rather than 1.2); T1 – long run up to transition hoping I was fast enough so the fire ants wouldn’t bite me (2:22.4); Bike – 54 miles of absolute flatness (2:26:21.3); T2 – short and sweet (39.7); Run – HOT and a tad long (1:44:38.0, ~13.25 miles)
The LOOOONG version:
I signed up for the Toughman Florida half Ironman event in mid-December and trained for it all winter. I was tentatively excited about it, which means I was excited and EXTREMELY nervous. My bike was all tuned up by the great mechanics at NOW in St. Paul and it and my other gear were already in Florida with my Dad (aka Stopwatch Greg) and my sister (AKA Aunty Heather). I kept telling myself to stop being nervous about the race. No matter how it went, I was headed to the beach on a week vacation to Florida with my two girls! ...
My First Pro Podium...
Thursday, 26 March 2015 01:10
Las Olas – The Unexpected Non-Drafting Pro Debut – Race Report
By Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)
When I left for Florida on March 4th I was planning to race twice but I ended up racing three times with a last minute decision to race at Las Olas international distance tri in Ft. Lauderdale. If I quick flash back to that week, Lifetime had just announced that they would not be holding a professional tri series anymore and in that instant, the majority of my season’s racing plan was erased. That left me with a couple options: get more serious about draft legal racing or go long-distance. Neither option had me jumping for joy. After racing at Clermont on Saturday and being very disappointed in my performance, I began to question my choice for even taking my pro card. I wanted to go pro to have the opportunity to race the best athletes out there, now the majority of those opportunities disappeared (Olympic distance non-drafting)....
Fitness Misinformation Stuff...
Wednesday, 25 March 2015 01:10
Every social media outlet is seemingly flooded with “fitspiration”, “thinspiration” and everything in between lately. You can’t go on Facebook or Pinterest now without noticing a text war revolving around thigh gaps and images of “real women”. But how many of these arguments are rooted in real fact and not just hurt feelings? Are these images and sayings really motivational or simply bulls**t? Are they inspiring people to push past their reasonable physical limits, or are people’s self-image just so delicate that they can’t take a bit of “tough love”? Kevin Moore had a lot to say on this topic and wanted to share it with our community. Kevin is an experienced Pilates instructor, movement therapist and martial artist – and someone we hope to see more of on the HiitBlog in the days to come.
By Kevin Moore (hiit-blog.dailyhiit.com)
The 6 Most Shockingly Irresponsible “Fitspiration” Photos
I have been planning a blog post for a while on fitness misinformation, and it was originally going to be the same kind of thoughtful deconstruction found in my other installments. But then I read this and it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever found in my newsfeed: so beautiful, in fact, that the rest of the health and fitness propaganda floating around Facebook like turds in a pool started to really, really piss me off....
Much to be Happy About...
Tuesday, 24 March 2015 01:10
By Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)
Sarasota Draft Legal Triathlon Race Report - After spending a week in Clermont my Dad and I packed up and headed to Sarasota Thursday before the race. Friday I had the day off of work and was able to drive down to check out the race course. We’d be swimming in a reservoir where they have held major rowing events. The bike and run were around the edge of the water with almost no tree coverage so spectators could watch the whole race unfold.
Saturday morning I was able to sleep in until 7 as the race didn’t begin until 11:30. After a leisurely breakfast at the hotel Patrick and Stopwatch Greg, we packed up and headed down to the race site. After getting my bike inspected and checking in, I hung out in the athlete tent to stay out of the sun as it was really heating up outside....