
Thinking About Important Stuff...

ma-and-hubby.gifBy Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)

Yep…I’ve decided after two weeks that life is just too darn short for me to not have a little sugar in my life and I don’t have the “fight in me” to put training first.  In my last blog I talked about discipline and sacrifice and putting it all out there…here are some of the bits from my last post…

HOWEVER…I know I have more in me.
This last week I finally felt at peace with all the decisions and changes that have happened lately and I’m ready to go all in for IM Wisconsin.
So here it is…I’m giving up all junk food until I cross the finish line at IM Wisconsin.
GAME ON!!  I’ll keep you posted on all that entails along with more on the journey to getting my CR back and setting a new PR.

This last weekend I headed to Madison to get out on the course and try to find the passion for IM and racing.  I learned many things about myself in the few quiet long beautiful days riding my bike....

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Oakdale Picks...


The 14th annual OAKDALE DUATHLON will happen on Saturday at Lake Elmo Park Reserve. Uncle Randy sent us an updated list of entries and barring late registration by the likes of DKT, Dan Hedgecock, Ruth Brennan Morrey and Matthew Payne, we are confident that the race will be won, and records challenged or broken, by Patrick Parish and either Suzie Fox or Diane Hankee, all of whom are among the very best duathletes in the US....

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"A Few Things I would Have Done Differently...

OOPS! A "Payne-Ful Day in St. Paul" linked to the wrong story. Here's the correct LINK


Photo - Guess who was first out of the water?

By Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

Wednesday night after a quick spin Patrick and I worked on taking my bike apart for the trip. This was only the second time I’d be flying with a bike and a first with my new tri bike. The bike packing went fairly smooth although I did have to phone a friend (Jared) at Gear West Bike & Tri to make sure I was taking the bike apart in the most efficient way. I also wanted to validate that those scary creaking noises that sound like the carbon is cracking were normal, which they are.

I arrived in Florida Thursday evening with Patrick and bike in tow. We grabbed some dinner right away at my favorite: Sweet Tomatoes never ending salad bar, after which we headed to Treasure Island on the gulf where we had rented a condo with my parents for the long weekend. We unpacked, built up my bike and got to bed....

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"I Kept Going"....

St.-George-Logo.gifBy Ruth Brennan Morrey (ruthbrennanmorrey.com)


IM 70.3 St. George -  So…I raced yesterday. It hurt. That’s ok. Everyone was hurting. Ninety six degrees on one of the most difficult bike/run courses in the world, with Olympians, World Champions, Triple Crown winner, champs, champs, more champs at the North American Pro Championship race, in St. George, UT. ....

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Velodrome Training For Triathletes...

velo-guy.gifBy David Moore

Serious triathletes have always known that in cycling, efficient, powerful form is key, and that by far the best way to develop form is on a fixed-gear bike. What’s more, by far the best place to ride a fixed-gear bike is in a velodrome.  Cycling stars like Bradley Wiggins and Mark Cavendish grew up on velodromes.  The ultimate cycling time trial, the hour record, is only contested on a velodrome track. So it’s no surprise that world number one triathlete Gwen Jorgensen has been spending lots of time on the track in Australia as of late!

Minnesota triathletes too often forget that the only velodrome between Lake Michigan and Colorado is right here in Blaine, at the National Sports Center.  This past winter, an outpouring of community-funded support resulted in a major renovation of the track. The renovation will be completed in just a few weeks....

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