Bridget is Very, Very Happy......
Tuesday, 14 July 2015 02:10
14th MINNEAPOLIS TRI - The Women - At Lake Waconia, Bridget McCoy pushed Suzie Fox to a course record, lowering a mark that had stood since 2007. It could be argued that, at LWT, Suzie pulled Bridget to her (Bridget's) finest multisport effort to date. That's saying a lot considering that McCoy's resume featured five wins....
Matt Did Good....
Sunday, 12 July 2015 06:10
Photo - Matt Payne doing a selfie with his mom.
14th MPLS TRIATHLON - The Men - Wisconsin's Mark Harms registered the day before the race. On paper, that meant that Matt Payne was no longer the clear-cut favorite to win the men's competition. His status would have to be downgraded to "prohibitive" favorite.
Because Mark was runner-up at Nationals last year and is a six-time AG national champion. He's been on the Elite Amateur podium at Mpls before and won the race back in 2007. The guy is freakin' good.
But can anyone beat Payne this year? Good question. The dude was, after all, 5-for-5 coming into Saturday's race. If Mark couldn't take him down, then maybe no one, even reigning national champ Steve Mantell, who won the 2014 edition of the Minneapolis Tri, can. We suspect that all three of these guys will face off at Nationals next month. We can't wait for that one....
Record Turnout & Great Competition...
Saturday, 11 July 2015 06:10
By Matt Hattan (sctimes.com)
GRANITEMAN -CLEARWATER – Melissa Klocker crossed the finish line and when the hugs started with friends and family, there were some screams of joy and even a few tears.
Klocker, 38, completed her first triathlon Saturday at Warner Park at the Clearwater Graniteman Triathlon. Klocker is a medical assistant and surgical coordinator for Central Minnesota Retina Specialists and lives in Cold Spring with her husband, Michael, and has three daughters.
There was a triathlon clinic and group swim held Tuesday at Warner Lake. Klocker, who has asthma and allergies, was fearful that she would not be able to complete the swim once she got her face in the lake water.
Bill Corcoran, the owner and general manager of Graniteman Events, Inc., was one of two people who did the pre-race swim with Klocker....
Zero Regrets....
Friday, 10 July 2015 00:10
ED. We found the following words on Facebook yesterday and immediately sought permission to repost. This is from Sean Kaneski, who is a Minnesota multisport pioneer.
A quick note of thanks to all of the LAMS members who energetically signed up for IMOO last fall. It was very cool to see everyone pushing themselves to do one of these challenging and rewarding events. It was so inspiring that it enticed me to jump back in after over a decade break from racing IM's.
After signing up for IMOO last fall, I embarked on probably the most intensive off-season training regimen that I have ever done and it went very well. My body held up through it all with no injuries. Right now, training is going as well as it ever has - I have reached and surpassed every benchmark that I had set for swimming, biking and running.... I am confident that at 43 I am well on track to meet or surpass what I accomplished when did my last IM at 31. Further, I am loving every minute of training and remember why I love this sport....
Starting a Tradition...
Thursday, 09 July 2015 00:10
By Larry Hosch
How it Started
ZTRI RACE REPORT - It all started last year, around midnight over a summertime bonfire, it is common knowledge our best decisions occur at midnight over a neighborhood bonfire, our conversation shifted towards triathlon and my friend, Brad who had never ran a 1k was adamant he was going to race a triathlon. After perusing the handy dandy race calendar on MN Tri News website we decided the Ztri was a perfect event…small, up north during the holiday weekend, ends with a Zorbaz at the finish line. My friend Brad completed his first triathlon last year at Ztri, had a blast, did something he never thought he’d do and is working towards doing more this year.
This year, Andy Zabel and I came back to Ztri and we didn’t leave disappointed. This is a great event for the weekend warrior or up north vacationer looking for a great race to kick off the 4th. of July festivities. Uncle Randy offers a a cool, unintimidating vibe, no one takes themselves too seriously and everyone is there for some fun and exercise...