
Parties, Fall Colors & Final Races...


TRI NIGHT '17 - In case you haven't heard, the 19th annual MInnesota Multisport Awards Party will take place on November 4 at Gear West Bike and Triathlon. The event will celebrate the 2017 multisport season and the extraordinary quality of tri life here in MInnesota.

More information will be available on the MTN and Gear West Bike websites next week. 


RACE OFTHE YEAR - Hey, have you voted for Triathlete's Choice Race of the Year yet? If not, please do so at your earliest opportunity. Voting concludes on October 15, and the Top 5 vote-getters will be revealed on MTN on October 16. The winner will be announced at Tri Night '17 on November 4.


FINAL RACE - The last multisport race on Minnesota's multisport calendar is the Central Lakes Cycle / David Grotnerg  Duathlon. It happens tomorrow, September 23, at Central Lakes Cyle in Fergus Falls, and consists of a 20 mile bike ride followed by a four mile run. WEBSITE



Join us for our great new event, the Beaver Bay Fall Colors Run on Saturday October 7th, and enjoy the spectacular Fall colors on the North Shore!  ....

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Toasted Legs...



By Corey Nygaard (swimcoreyrun.blogspot.com)


CHATTANOOGA 70.3 WORLDS Race Report - Fourteen Months ago, my body had no idea what it was in for over the coming months. The reason that time frame was so important: that is when I qualified for Chattanooga, In July of 2016. Long time to get ready, right?!


Two Ironmans and two 70.3 races later, I somehow made it alive to the weekend I had lost focus on so many times. I think when a race is so far off, it can be hard to stay focused on that one goal. It was probably a good thing I had races to keep my motivation high and the work, well, hard.

I'll start off with a few short snippets of a few of my summer races, that did not really meet my expectations.


Racine 70.3 - I got to race with one of best friends in his first sorta half distance race. Since the swim was cancelled, for the second year in a row, it was basically a time trial. I managed a solid AG placing and Branden is off to Worlds in South Africa next year, awesome man. This run was incredibly painful as I had just started down the road of IT Band issues.  ...

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Uncooperative Watches, Burgers and Beer...


By Angela Kidd (willtrainforcreamcheesefrosting.blogspot.ca)


Hmmmm, where to start with the Worlds 70.3 race report? I knew last year I wanted to qualify to do this race. I love Chattanooga, I like the 70.3 distance and I like a race at the end of the summer giving me warm Minnesota weather to train in. I managed to qualify last year at Steelhead so I was able to race this year without the presure of needing to earn a qualifying spot.


I also decided to sign up for IM Louisville and make that my A race. I NEED to have an IM where I don't completely fall apart on the run. I NEED to have an IM experience where I feel like it reflects the work I've put in. For some reason I am unable to walk away from this sport with unfinished business at a distance I don't even like that much! If this "non-disaster" of a race brings with it other things, that's great. But that's not what I'm chasing. I am chasing a satisfying IM race result so that if I pursue being a pure runner again, I won't feel like I have unfinihsed business with swim, bike, run.


So given IM Louisville is my A race and it's only a month away, Ryan and I didn't do anything speciala to prepare for Chattanooga other than adding a lot more hills to my bike and run training. And this was no easy feat because while Minnesota has some hills, we don't have...

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Spouses & Teens....



ONE LAST TRI (International) - Itinerant military guy JASON TOTH relocated from Rhinebeck, New York, to Eagan last year. A decorated multisportsman, he immediately made his presence felt with a Top 10 effort at Superior Man, followed by three straight wins: Square Lake, One Last Tri  and Central Lakes Duathlon.

Toth's 2017 resume features two wins, the most recent being a successful defense at OLT last Sunday, where his margin of victory was a flabby  8:03.

Jason's wife KIERANN is also an accomplished multisporter. Her 2017 scorecard features a win at Hoot Lake, a 3rd at Superior Man 41.5 and two 2nds, one of which was at OLT Olympic, where she was runner-up to 2015 Minnesota Triathlete of the Year SUZIE FOX, whose victory was her 3rd of the season and 41st of her stellar career.

Rounding out the women's podium on Sunday was profilic racer with a perpetual smile, JEN NEUMAN, who has eleven career multisport wins to her credit.

One Last Tri Olympic celebrated its dozenth anniversay last weekend, and approximately one hundred athletes crossed the finish line.  RESULTS


ONE LAST TRI (Sprint) - Juniors rocked out the OLT Sprint last Sunday, taking 3rd, 4th, 7th and 10th places overall; and two of the Top 5 spots in the women's race.

Leading the way for the male teens was Cambridge's JACK HENNEN, 17, who finished 3rd overall  behind winner JON DELANEY and elite master JOHN SHELP. We were unable to dig up much stuff about Delaney, and it's possible that he is a newcomer to multisports. He's only 21 and possesses impressive running and cycling skills. We hope he races often next season.

Back to the junior boys....

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Hungry For Growth...



By Gaby Bunten

Reflection... Looking back at this season I have grown; not just as an athlete, but as a person, a coach and in confidence. 

My race at the 70.3 World Championships in Chattanooga may not have met my personal goals, but I proved to myself that I possess grit and gumption. 
A solid swim for myself with the challenge of swimming upstream. I struggled to get position with the leaders and keep them in sight. Typically, I like to keep control of the pace, but you roll with the punches when they're thrown! 

The bike certainly did not disappoint with its challenging climbs, ballsy descents and hairpin corners. I climbed very well and had a total blast. But with packs around me, I struggled to find consistency in my pacing and spacing between riders; landing me with my first, ever penalty. A whopping five minutes... I rallied and did my best to fight to the finish on that bike and into the run. But, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a bit gutted. 

The run was just as challenging as the bike. I had a minimal run build up to the race from a low back niggle. So, I wasn't speedy and didn't have my usual gears on the run, but I was happy to run with zero pain and feel smooth. I worked through injury, got stronger and made it to that start line with a smile. ...

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