Race Previews

Minnesota's Destination Triathlon!


TIMBERMAN SPRINT PREVIEW - Next Saturday's Timberman Sprint, the 38th edition thereof, will once again feature the "usual suspects," and we couldn't be happier about that. We are focusing on the women's race here, with BETTINA KEPPERS and TARA MAKINEN, with ten T-Man wins between them, on top of the ticket, with JENA OGSTON ever in pursuit. (Ogston won in 2015 by the slimmest T-Man margin ever: 2-seconds. Super exciting race.)

But there is one non-usual suspect that can shake things up this year. Her name is LISA FILZEN, a former Most Improved nominee who had raced Timberman's Olympic event before, but is making her Sprint debut on Saturday. A glance at the Buzz Ryan results in 2021, where she placed behind only ELAINE NELSON, but ahead of CHRISTEL KIPPENHAN, who won't be racing this year because she's gearing up for the World Sprint Championships in her native Germany, and Ogston was all we needed to tag her a contender.

For the men, at this point in time it appears that BROOKS GROSSINGER should repeat as champion, though we do expect him to be challenged my men who weren't yet registered when this post was written.

Three-time Timberman winner from a prior century MATT EVANS will be racing, of course, and he will finish well back in the pack, and for good reason. As always, he will be cheering for others, helping those who need help and having more fun in the process than any human being should be allowed to have.

More than three hundred athletes (including the Olympic race) are expected to participate. Will you be among them? Timberman Olympic  preview will post soon. RACE WEBSITE
