Race Previews

Love For IMOO....


By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

It’s hard to put into words just how much Madison and IRONMAN Wisconsin mean to me. If it tells you anything, I teared up both just talking about the mass swim start and when getting ready to bike the course on Saturday. It will forever hold a special place in my heart ♥ (And, I’d be lying if I didn’t already think about trying to add the race to this year’s calendar… because two IMs in less than a month would be a great idea, right?!)  ....


So, when two of my “fake” instagram friends, Ashley and Julie, invited me to Madison for a training weekend, I jumped at the chance. The timing worked out perfectly, as Nick was out of town for work, and coach gave me a free training pass for the week following Toughman. His only directions: have fun and don’t bang out 10+ miles. And, have fun I did! The best part? Meeting and hanging out with Ashley and Julie… two gems I’m so grateful to now call real life friends :)

The weekend highlights…

Eating (obviously)

There are so many great eats in Madison, and never fails, my friend Kathy always has the best recommendations. This visit: Salvatore’s Tomato Pies. Beet pesto pizza FTW! Julie and I refueled after Saturday’s training at Alchemy Café… love its burgers, sweet potato fries and cilantro cucumber quinoa salad. And, of course there was brunch on the patio at Marigold Kitchen on Sunday morning!   READ MORE
