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Sweet and Sweaty...

IMG_7384.gifED. Here's a cool small town newspaper article about triathlete Erin Klegstad.

By Margie Holmgren (kittsonarea.com)

By now a few of us have broken some of our new years resolutions, but maybe a few of us decided to make life changes instead. Life changes, things that will stick.
For Erin Klegstad, daughter of Tom and Sharlene Klegstad, that change came several years ago.
Klegstad, grew up in Hallock and currently lives in Minneapolis/Saint Paul....

She started running track in seventh grade but really didn’t get into running until 2005, she guesses.
Throughout college she says she maintained her general fitness outlook.
Once she started running she didn’t quit until injuries sidelined her, just long enough to take up cycling. She bought a road bike and was hooked.
Running and then cycling when injuries kept her from running has brought Klegstad around to loving both.
Her love of what she does is very evident on her blog sweetsweatlife.com.
And it’s pretty much everything, she really enjoys life and part of that life for her is running, cycling and now ironman competitions.
She ran her first marathon in 2006 in Fargo.
“I ended up in the med tent for a couple hours after -- felt worse than I have at any race since! I'm surprised I ran again after how  terrible I felt,”  Klegstad shared.
Since adding biking,  Klegstad has only done one other standalone marathon, which was the Grandma’s Marathon, held in Duluth, Minn. She ran this race in 2008 and states “not sure when I’ll do another!”
Why? Because she’s moved on to bigger and better things. Ironman.
Ironman adds another discipline to her workout …swimming.
“I've done four iron-distance races (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, 26.2-mile run, for a total of 140.6 miles), with the most recent Ironman Wisconsin (IMWI) in Madison on September 13,” explained  Klegstad.
“At IMWI, I placed second in my age group (Females aged 35-39) out of 149 women, which secured my spot to race at Kona in the Ironman World Championship on October 8, 2016,” she stated. “Qualifying is based on age group placement and not time.”
“I was also 8th overall female finisher at IMWI,” she added. READ MORE
