Race Previews

A Reason to Get Another Bike...


By Lisa Lendway

Now that triathlon season is over, I have transitioned into my offseason training plan. Riding, running (barely), a little hopping and plenty of beer. So, cyclocross…


If you’ve never heard of this, it’s not just another reason to have another bike (well, it is), but a sport that grew out of the need for European pro cyclists to do something in the offseason to keep in shape. Unlike pretty much every other type of race, cyclocross challenges racers to be good on varied terrain. Sections of grass, dirt and pavement are typically joined to make a long loop in a park or open area. The specific terrain then dictates the course. Sand pits, stairs, off camber sections and trees all can play a part. To make it even more fun, barriers, logs and flyovers are added. As a triathlete, I’ve founds lisa-lifet-bike.gifthat this is a great way to get an awesome workout as well as improve my bike handling skills. Based on mishaps this year, I’m still working on the latter.


Hooked yet? I am. If you still aren’t sure, come on out and watch. They are nothing if not an awesome spectating event. Cheering is fine, but a true connoisseur of cross has mastered the art of heckling. Oh, and handups! Bacon, dollar bills, cookies and of course beer are standard.


Locally, theWednesday“practice” races are popular, at Aquila Park until mid-October. Weekend races are bigger events with their unique character. This past weekend saw a race at Baker Orchard in WI, with races going through a barn and bags of apples as prizes.Oct 17thand 18thwill beGreen Acres Crossin Lake Elmo. A fan favorite, this is the largest race in the area, drawing racers regionally and even nationally.


Last year saw an epic battle in the men’s elite race featuring a national champion against the home grown favorite. Or so I heard. I’ll be honest, I recognized Gwen before those two. Yep, where else can you see two-time world triathlon champion Gwen Jorgensen race locally? She was there, so why not you? Who knows, maybe she’ll be there again. I’ve also heard rumors that Diane Hankee will be there. And, if we’re lucky, former pro Devon Palmer will be there defending his “First Triathlete to Fall Over” title. The race also features a pig roast, live band, races for the kids, and prize raffles.


The cyclocross season wraps up with the state championshipsNov 21stand 22nd, before many locals head down toJingle Crossin Iowa in early December. So, get out there and have some fun riding a bike in the offseason!
