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Capitol City Course Report...

BIKE-COURSE.gifBy Jeremy Sartain

Greetings all,

I checked out the Capitol City (and BOUS) bike course today, Tuesday June 17th. It is in FANTASTIC shape and is scheduled for sweeping by the city in one area where construction has occurred at Johnson and Phalen. There are no significant potholes or other hazards. The police have confirmed their positions and we have solidified volunteers in their positions to assure a safe and fast bike course.

The lead lifeguard at Lake Phalen was testing the water when I went by. It is in great shape in regards to not showing anything gross living in the water. The City of Saint Paul has worked very hard the past few years to create appropriate foliage around the lake to...

prevent run-off into the lake thus assuring clean water. Water temp will be wetsuit legal but certainly not cold; perfect temp for a triathlon!

The run around the lake will be picturesque. The path is in great shape with a moderate climb on the backside of the course.

I will be offering a free clinic at Lake Phalen beach on Saturday, June 21st from 4:30-5:30 pm. We will review the course, offer tips on the swim (bring your wetsuit and goggles if you would like to practice) and answer any questions you may have. Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you plan to attend.

Lastly, if you have friends or family who want to race in the Capitol City Tri, there is still some room left. Go to www.capitolcitytri.com to get set up!

Jeremy Sartain

Bike Course Lead

Swim Course Setter Upper

Captain of 'retired yet not too fat elite triathlete association


