Race Previews

Heinie's Hooked on Hockey...

heinie-hockey.gifED. Last weekend, 2013 Rookie of the Year and Team Minnesota member Nicole Heininger fllled us in on what she's been doing this winter and her plans for the 2014 tri season.


Any winter news...well it's been cold and snowy to start! From what I have gathered, many triathletes take part in cc-skiing during the winter, maybe I'll get into that one day, but for now I stay active playing hockey. It's what I grew up playing and I can't seem to give it up just yet. I also joined crossfit for a while and continue to incorporate it into my training program. I was hooked...

immediately, as it proved challenging and quickly pointed out weaknesses. I have been humbled by how difficult it can be (as I previously thought I was in shape). Besides staying active, I have been able to visit family in AZ, spend time with friends and enjoy the snow! 

After the tri season ended, I came to the conclusion I have a lot of work to do. Regardless, I look forward to starting the season as soon as possible. To start, I will be taking another trip to AZ for my first triathlon of the year. I plan to enjoy time with family as well as warm weather. Besides racing in AZ, I plan to do several half-Ironman races alongnicole-Heininger.gif with Olympic distances to prepare myself for IMWI. (Am I really signed up for IMWI?!) I am not exactly sure how my schedule will play out; I still consider myself new to this and often wonder when I'll figure it all out!

I know I still have an enormous amount to learn and a lot of areas to improve on, however this is part of what keeps me motivated each day. I am grateful to be able to compete with so many talented athletes who challenge and continue to inspire me. I am anxious in many ways for the season to start! I'm not sure how fast I'll be but I know I'm stronger than yesterday! :)

2014 Race Schedule:
Lifetime AZ
Liberty Half
Olympic distance-TBD
Olympic distance-TBD
AG Nationals-Milwaukee (Still tallying votes, yes or no before IMWI)

Take care, - Nicole Heininger
