Race Previews

New Bikinis & Weekend Doubles...

Dog-Beach.gif(Photo - Suzy and Marta and some exotic animals.)
Hi MTN Guys!!!
I've only registered for two races for 2014 and am going to keep it that way through April. This will be the first year I have ever done two Ironmans in one season so I will wait and see how I recover after IM Cabo on March 30 while paying close attention to both my body and my training build up for IM Wisconsin this fall as well.  
2014 Race Schedule
Ironman Cabo San Lucas - I'm not going to lie, I am equally as excited for the beachfront villa our group is renting and the new bikini I just bought as I am for the race :-) This IM will be extra special because two of my favorite people,... Brendon and Marta, will be completing their first IM, can't wait to be a part of their experiences!
Ironman Wisconsin - We have 12 people signed up from our Masters (West Express, the best Masters, coached by Heidi Keller-Miler). I can't wait! Most importantly, I will get to share this race again with the best training partners - Ann, Heidi, and Sadie, just like in 2012, we will get to spend another entire summer training together!
Races that have my attention-
Long Course Duathlon Nationals in NC - I won't be able to afford it after Cabo but I keep looking at the website
Best Of The US Championship
Duathlon Nationals in St. Paul
I'm sure I will jump into a lot of my favorite local races as they fit my IM recovery/training needs like MN's awesome duathlons, Chisago, and Timberman which will be a huge party with your return there!!!kevin-horse.gif
Hope you and Trudles are staying warm through this crazy MN deep freeze!!!
Take Care! - Suzie
Hello Jerry,
I will likely do some variation of the following races:
Apple Du-possible
Pigman Sprint-Certain
Liberty Olympic or Half-probable
Best of the US-probable
USAT Duathlon Nationals-certain
Heart of the Lakes-certain
USAT Age Group National Olympic-certain
USAT Age Group National Sprint-certain
Pigman Half-certain
This would be two or three weekends with double races which I love.  The second race of the weekend is always easier than one would expect.  And it is always a ton of fun.
Kevin O'Connor