Race Previews

Duluth Lovers & Mexican Vacations...

beth(Photo - Beth Shipston having a wonderful Hair Day.)

DULUTH TRIATHLON - Beth Shipston loves Duluth. It was there that the totally pretty, fun-loving single mom from Thunder Bay did her first triathlon--Brewhouse--and was introduced to baby back ribs, to which she has become irretrievably addicted. Her favorite Post-Czar Russia-inspired burrito restaurant is there, too, as is her favorite craft brewer (Fitger's).

She'll be visiting her favorite American town next Saturday. And eight days after that, as well. On Saturday, she'll participate in the inaugural Duluth Triathlon. Two Sundays hence, she'll to the Superior Man as be a part of a relay team.

She didn't want to choose between these first-year half IMs, so she found a way to do both. How cool is that! ...

We love the way you think, Beth. And so do the organizers of the DT and SM.

We are pleased to announce here that both the Duluth Triathlon and Superior Man have pulled self-justifying numbers, putting to rest for the moment the suspicion that only one of these events would ultimately survive. Both promise to be great events with bright futures.rhett

Now for MTN's predictions.

- Tommy Krenz, 51 of Chisago City will rock, cracking the overall Top 5 in a 4:25ish time. His hair will look really good. "Werewolves of London" good.

- Beth Shipston, who is a Canadian HOOT!, will not win the swim prime, supposing there was one to win. She will drink many beers, craft-style and otherwise, after the race. She will be celebrating a PR.

- Lindsey Marshall will be making her half IM debut, we think. And we're predicting that it will be a very successful one. We're predicting a Top 5 overall placing for her.

- Minnewaska winner Megan Erlandson will be doing the second half of her young career. She'll go significantly faster--15-20 minutes, perhaps--than her 5:24 debut at Door County four weeks ago.

- A pair of masters--Rhett Bonner (photo R) and Leanne Bronson, who is doing something different with her hair this year and it looks great--will win the overall titles. For Bonner, 47, it will be his 3rd career half IM victory. (He won Square Lake in '09 and Silverman in '07). A win for Bronson could result in serious consideration for a 2012 Master of the Year nomination.

- The fastest married couple in the race will be The Moyers--Joe and Ann--of Rochester, both of whom will crack their gender's Top 10.

- No one will be assaulted by triathlete-eating otters and a wonderful time will be had by all.

caboYOUNG LIFE TRIATHLON IX - Not all events share their reg. lists with us, which is cool, despite making it hard for us to predict how those races will unfold, competitively speaking.

The goal of the predictions, which are made totally for poops and giggles, is to get folks to think about, perhaps even talk about, athletes and events. We are not married to what we write, nor are we bummed out when our prognostications don't come true.

We know one guy who will be racing at YL-Olympic, 'cuz he told us he'd be there. His name is Sean Cooley and he's a great guy, and he won this race in 2011. The event is offering a week's stay at a resort in Cabo San Lucas (photo L), which is south of the Twin Cities, and Sean wants to, as Tina Fey's character in 30 Rock would say, "Go to there." Sean is enjoying a Team Minnesota-type season and we expect him to win handily on Saturday. We hope he takes his best chica, Gaby Bunten, who will be racing at Nationals on Saturday, to Cabo with him. Do you know her? She's so cute. And a pretty darn good triathlete, too. We foresee a Team USA berth for her.

We suspect that Christina Roberts will be racing in Detroit Lakes this weekend because she's been doing this event annually, with great results--a win and two 2nds--since 2009. She's enjoying a successful 2012 season, her best yet, thus we consider her the favorite to win the Olympic race.
