Race Previews

Land Between the Lakes Stuff...

jen(Photo - 2011 LBTL women's champ, Jen Neuman, who is one of the coolest people we know.)

Race Preview - The Albert Lea Triathlon, aka "Land Between the Lakes," has never been a large event, averaging approximately 150ish race day attendees. That's too bad. Sure, it is a bit of a drive from Minnesota's tri hotbeds in the Twin Cities, Duluth and, to a lesser degree, Rochester. And the fact that the May water in Fountain Lake can euphemistically be called "invigorating." These factors certainly keep some folks away.

And then there's the issue of Legacy. Small races tend to stay small because folks unthinkingly assume that small races deserve to be that way.

That's a goshdarn shame! There many small races that are actually GREAT events. The Apple Duathlon comes immediately to mind. So does Croixathlon.

And so does Land Between the Lakes....

These are all wonderful races that deserve BIG numbers. They all feature great courses, professional execution and abundant athlete amenities.

The 8th annual LBTL is next Sunday and it's enrollment, though not suffering by past standards, can use a shot in the arm. At the present sign-up rate, the event may pull 200 participants, but organizers would like to welcome closer to 250-300 attendees. Now owned and managed by Final Stretch, entrants can expect elevated professionalism and a great post-race meal. Great post-race meals are part of the Final Stretch signature. logo

Let's face it! A quarter mile swim in 65ish degree water is no big deal, right? Sure, a wetsuit is a good idea but most can handle these water temps without one. And the fact that the long range forecast for Albert Lea calls for morning highs in the 60s, afternoon highs near 80 under partly cloudy skies, should also aid the decision-making process.

Our point? If you're not signed-up for a race next weekend, give serious consideration to this event. We know it will reward your participation. Also, the LBTL Triathlon is the 2nd race in the popular and totally cool 10-event Tri Minnesota Series and its distances have been reduced somewhat in order to be more welcoming to newbies and those veterans who aren't quite as fit as they'd like to be at this point in the season. (2011 distances: .25-mile swim, 20.5-mile bike, 4.2-mile run. 2012 distances: .25-mile swim, 14 mile bike, 4-mile run.) RACE WEBPAGE

Now it is Prediction Time.

Glancing at the start list we see the names of many athletes who are regular attendees at this race. Though the event isn't large yet, those who have participated invariably become loyal recidivists. A significant percentage of last year's overall Top 10 and AG medalists are returning, thus we suspect that 2011 champions Sam Janicki and Jen Nueman will also come out on top on Sunday. Returning 2011 AG champs include Karen Barton (45-49W), Mike Borneke (55-59M), Taggart Downare (40-44M), David Knack (45-49M) and Larry Stracke (50-54M). They should repeat, though Brad Johnson will give Stracke all he can handle.

kyleWe also predict that Mankato's Carol Marston will rock the 50-54W category and that Kyle Serreyn (photo L), who raced brilliantly last weekend at Oakdale, placing 2nd overall, will join Janicki on the men's podium.

Hey, here's some historical stuff about the LBTL:

2011 Winners - Sam Janicki & Jen Neuman

2010 Winners - Matt Payne & Brooke Larsen

2009 Winners - Matt Payne & Brooke Larsen

2008 Winners - Patrick Parish & Michelle Carlson

2007 Winners - Jeremy Sartain & Lynette Bacon

2006 Winners - Bill Kelley & Heidi Hebert

2005 Winners - Eike Mrosek & Jodie Taylor
