Race Coverage

"...What My Body Allowed Me to Do"...


By Brandon Lee

Square. Lake 70.3 Race Report - I must admit, I had a ton of anxiety about this race.  I kept checking the low temp all week and it looked like it was going to be in the low 40s, and it was.  I hate being cold.  More than anything.  This was new territory for me, getting out of the swim and getting on the bike at 42 degrees, would be a new experience....

Race morning was beautiful with the heavy steam rising over the lake. A good sign, at least we knew the water was warmer than the air.  I felt pretty good in the morning, I have been in full training mode for Kona, so not really sure what to expect today.  

The walk to swim start was comical as most of us walked in the water to thaw out are feet, it felt heavenly.  Jumped in the swim and the water felt amazing, tried to get a good start and manage my swim and try to swim straight.  Coming back east it was just fog and bright sun.  I was swimming blind, and most of us broke off into groups.  Luckily the kayakers could see and were able to guide us in!  Volunteers and support were amazing all day.  


Swim was short in yards, I think 300, per the RD.  Getting out of the water felt good but when I stripped my suit, I was instantly cold.  I made the decision not to wear any gloves, or arm warmers.  I didn't wear aero calf sleeves today either.  I just made sure to get everything on and secure and get prepared to fly downhill.  My upper body never did get cold and I felt pretty good for the first 20 miles.  I was actually trying to get my HR UP, because my legs were just stiff and cold.  The course is honest, great roads, fun climbs and some very fast descents, make this a course for all types of riders. 

I felt like I was riding pretty well for the first loop, but the second loop is actually when I started getting colder.  My hands were numb and so were my feet.  I wouldn't say it affected my power, but just made it uncomfortable and another space filled in the "things I'm dealing with list."   I saw Sean on the turn around, and he looked strong, I determined he probably had 5-7 minutes on me.  Definitely got a little tired, I exceeded my watts so I was really curious how the run would go.  

T2 was rough haha.  My feet were so damn cold I was struggling to get my socks on.  I finally got everything ready and took off running.  Ive never actually ran a race starting out with numb feet.  I knew it would get better but this was a new discomfort, so I just dealt with it.  I was happy to be running in the cooler weather.  Everything felt good but at mile 7 I could start to feel my legs fatiguing.  This is a monster run course.  One of the hardest I have ever ran.  I believe my Garmin said 841 ft of elev gain on the course.  Saw Sean on the run, It felt like I was gaining some time on him, but he looked strong.  I knew I couldnt run him down at this point, so I was shooting for a PR.  I looked at my watch around Mile 11 and it read 4:07.  I let my mind focus on the pace I needed to PR and that helped me push those last few hills and run fast down.  Crossed the line at 4:18:13, a new PR for me and I am told the new Masters CR!  

I was happy with what my body allowed me to do on Saturday.  I ask a lot of it, and I think being mindful of that while racing helped stay in a good headspace.  Congrats to Sean Cooley on the win and the new CR.  Thanks to Judy at Midwest Multisport and all the volunteers and fan support.  I always hear you and it always helps!




