Race Coverage

Glassy Water & Chocolate Milk...


GREEN LAKE RACE REPORT - Green lake tri got a beautiful day for triathlon, nice cool temps and a slight breeze. It was finally time for me to get back to what is kinda Olympic distance as I have never really done them, preferring sprints and the longer 70.3 and iron distances.

The water was very glassy race morning and walking in and around the docks at Zoroaster to make room for all the guys in wave one. Swim took off and could see the fast swimmers starting to pull away by the first buoy. Thankfully for me the swim was pretty short, 850 yards according to my Garmin, race site said 3/4 mile swim but it is all good in my book.

Bike went well, the roads coming out and around the lake are smooth and with just some gentle rollers made for a nice start of the ride. It did take a minute for me to come into pushing power but by mile 5 I could tell it was...

starting to come together. Right where the split for the sprint and Olympic the road gets a little rough but still great conditions for fast riding with nice shoulders. The out and back for the Olympic gives you the opportunity to see where you are in the standings, minus the random relay teams sprinkled in.

craigglt.pngOnce you hit the turn around it’s a fast straight line back to town where the only small hill is. It’s just a mile or so from the transition so a good spot to get out of the saddle and stretch the legs a little.

Out of T2 and on the run felt good, wanted a mid 7:30 per mile pace and held close to it. The course is full of gentle rolling hills but nothing that causes you to work too much. Again a nice out and back allows to see others on course. Coming back into town and the final of 3 water stops lets you to tag back in with the sprint athletes and enjoy more people around you.

Finish line is nice as once you are done there are plenty of snacks as well as chocolate milk. I then chose to go take a dip in the lake to cool off before packing up and going back to Zorbaz patio for a drink and some food while waiting for awards.

It’s the perfect venue as you can socialize and have some recovery with all the athletes. Ended up top ten and first in my age group to cap off a fun local event season. Will definitely be back next year to do this again, planning on making it a weekend and staying up in the area so my youngest can yet again take part in the kids triathlon on Saturday to make it a full family event.


