Race Coverage

"...It Was Time to Drink Some Coke"...


By Steven Wert

Texas 70.3 Race Report - Signing up for an early Spring can be a very risky move living in Minnesota, but when you have a mild Winter it can lead to great success. So the expectations and goals were set high for Texas 70.3. 

Swim: The swim is always an adventure. I was feeling confident going into the swim, but as soon as I got in I felt like crap and was taking in a ton of salt water. My head started playing games and was thinking this was the worst swim of my life and that all my goals for the day were done for. So I just started going through the motions just to get it done. When I got to the mat, I was shocked to see that I just set a PR on the swim. My mood quickly changed and we were on a mission.

Bike: We couldn’t ask for a better day to bike along the Gulf of Mexico. No headwinds and just a slight crosswind with clouds at first and the sun coming out halfway through. The goal for the day was sub 2:20 so we just went for it. The miles were clipping along and I was making...

moves. Getting to the halfway point the goal was still in reach and still was in reach as the splits went off every 5 miles on my watch until we had to start slowing down as we got near transition. At mile 55 the watch said 2:18 and I knew I was going to be slightly over and I wasn’t too happy. But 2:21 was the official time and had basically perfect execution so I was happy. 

Run: With the sun and heat now approaching it was crucial to stay cool and not cramp. While leaving transition, I stopped at the aid station and dumped a jug of water over myself to start the cooling process and then we were off. A mostly flat 3 loop course made the miles fly by and made the pace feel smooth. Every aid station it was water, ice, salt, and Gatorade. Getting to the last loop though I started to think of a plan where the best place to get sick would be. Not feeling the best I got to the next aid station and it was time to drink some Coke. It worked and we were back in business and ready to hit that red carpet at the finish line with a massive PR!

Overall: It was a great day to Dream Big and Aim High and a perfect way to start the 2024 season! It’s now time to kick off the MN Tri Season and to see all those friends who have been in hibernation all Winter! 










