Race Coverage

Ted's Season - Part V - Like a Hallmark Movie...



By Ted Treise

Michigan and lead up to IM FL - I though Oceanside was a beautiful venue, but WOW. Michigan in the Traverse City area is just gorgeous - The lake, sandy beaches, birch forest & fresh air. It was like a hallmark movie in real life. Not to mention, I was just so exciting to be back at the races, seeing friends, putting on my HED disc and 80mm front. This is why I love triathlon. Racing with the best people possible on the fastest bikes mankind has ever made.


But how did the race go? Well the swim and bike went about the same as Oceanside and the run was a bit of shitshow given the furthest I went was about 9 miles at an 8 minute pace. I hobbled through it slipping under 1 hr 30 min for a run split which puts you in pretty much last for the pro field. My run was fine, whatever. But it was frustrating to be back so far on the bike and loose 10 min to the front after putting in a huge block without running....

After the race I made some fueling changes and started incorporating low carb rides into the program. Not so I can race on bag of Jack Links but so during a race, I don’t need 140 CHO per hour to sustain race watts. Your gut has a hard time processing that so I need to reprogram my body to use other fuels like fats, ketones etc. Maybe I’ll start taking ice baths after this and hunt elk during the offseason – will see!

So that leads us with the last race of the season coming up – Ironman FL. I wanted to do this before the injury and, idk, it feels like if I can do FL, I’ve conquered the injury and some of my season still went according to plan. What’s happened though after Michigan has been magical though. I feel like myself training again. I can hit paces that I’ve been able to and it just feels great not chasing my past self. Whatever happens at Florida is fine knowing this block will lead to greener pastures in 2024. Onwards!

