Race Coverage

Exciting Racing at LCT...



Additional Lakes Country Coverage - As in the Maple Grove Olympic Triathlon, the runners-up at Lakes Country truly shined. SPENCER SYVERTSON was first out of the water in first into T2. He then ran hard, turned in a sub-1-hour effort, which is a big deal at LCT, after which he waited for pre-race favorite / defending champ JOSH BLANKENHEIM, who as a late registrant launched the wave after Spencer. The fact that Josh was stringing together 5:30 miles, however, made his repeat victory inevitable. 

 JASON CRISP filled out the men's podium, his second Top three at LCT.

 Similarly, in the women's race it was the eventual runner-up, who happened to be a newbie with strong running credentials, who set the stage. MELISSA GOBLE's first tri produced a solid swim, a promising bike split and her signature brisk run, which surprisingly was bettered by eventual 3rd placer MATA AGRE. Goble (photo) was first to finish, followed 28-seconds later by Agre. Both women waited for superior...

cyclist and later wave starter / three time LCT champ JACQUELYN BACIGALUPI, who was the only one who could upset the order of finish.

In the end, it was Jacquelyn's bike split that sealed her 4th LCT win. 

 Exciting stuff on a perfect day for racing. 172 triathletes entered this year's race. RESULTS

ED. Go to MinnCam.com to view Scott Ramsom's awesome photos of this year's Lakes Country Tri participants.
