Race Coverage

Record Turn-out at SWIM-OFF...


By Doobie Kurus

SWIM-OFF to Summer - It was a gorgeous day for a swim, with temperatures climbing into the upper 80s/lower 90s for the 4th annual SWIM-Off to Summer open water challenge that took place on Saturday, June 3 at Shady Oak Beach. This event attracted nearly 200 participants from 7 different states, and as far away as Texas, California, and Oregon. Although people could choose from 3 triathlon inspired distances, the majority (120) opted for the 1.2 mile swim. As in past years, people were asked to self identify as a "triathlete" or a "swimmer" while registrating to help us determine who "rules the open water!" 

In the 1.2 mile distance, Christina Roberts was not only the top female, but the 3rd overall, and retained the title on behalf of Team Triathletes. She edged out (swimmers) Margaret Werba, who came in 2nd place, and Lauren Rose, of Fort Worth Texas, who came in 3rd. All 3 had sub-30 minute swim times. In the men's category, Team Swimmer, swept the podium, with Tyler Schultze, Seth Baetzold, and Zach McCarty coming in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd respectively....

In the 0.9 mile distance, (swimmers) Jack Dobbs and Drew Presall were first and second, with (triathlete) Brett Lovaas a close 3rd for the men, and for the women, Emma Smith from Portland, Oregon in town for wedding later that day came in first, Krista Jordan, came in second, and YWCA Race Director, Beth Nymeyer, was third. All 3 were from Team Swimmers!

In the 0.3 mile distance, (swimmers) Gregory Breheim, Tyler Gerst, and Thomas Brunner (of Wassau, WI) were the top 3 men. For the women, it was (triathlete) Linda Green, and (swimmers) Patricia Orphaug and Jane Sladky Valley as the top 3 women.

After the friendly competition, participants, fans, and spectators alike enjoyed a post swim BBQ potluck, gear swap meet, and race expo featuring reps from Brewhouse/Buzz Ryan Triathlons, YWCA Women's Tri, Apex Performance Clinic, Performance Ready Training/Coaching, and Wave Tri swim coaching.

Free entries and gift cards were donated as door prizes from: Gear West Tri Shop, Elsmore Swim Shop, MN Masters, TC Open Water 1/2 Marathon Swim Series, Wave Tri, Buzz Ryan Tri, Chisago Lakes Tri, Trinona, GraniteMan, Timberman, Lake Mtka Tri, and of course, the Hopkins Royal Tri.

Hope to see you next year...but hopefully sooner at one of the numerous triathlons, duathlons, and open water swims in MN!

Results here
