Race Coverage

Say Hello to Eric! Joe's Back! Peter and Cami Rocked...


2023 BUFFALO OLYMPIC COVERAGE - Due to an aggravated injury, race record holder TED TREISE was unable to defend his title last Sunday. He was able to cover all but the final 4.7 miles of the route before prudence dictated his plug-pulling. After the race, Ted sent us these words:  ...

Just some insight on the men's coverage from the race to help write the wednesday coverage.

Race started out fast with Eric taking the lead early and pack forming around him with Joe, Sean, Peter and others. After the first buoy the pack splinted into Eric, Joe and I. Once we went east into the sun, I think we lost Eric. Joe took over going into shore.

The bike was pretty hot and slow out there this year which seem to be reflected in the times in both the run and bike.

I had a little ankle injury going in that I thought would hold, but at mile 1.5 it got too tight to run thus, pulling the plug.

I think Peter and Joe had the best day out of everyone. Times do not reflect it but a good day of racing for them.


Eric, in case you don't know, and most of you shouldn't, is ERIC ENGEL, newly-transplanted to Minneapolis from Wisconsin, who happens to be one of most successful long distance amateur triathletes in the US. He entered Sunday's race at the urging of Ted Treise, a friend he made on the national 70.3 circuit. Immediately. he became the choice to win the amateur (Ted is a pro) title at Buffalo. That he races infrequently at shorter stuff, his credentials at them are better than solid. His status was boosted by the fact that 2019 Buff Olympic champ SEAN COOLEY has only begun to work himself back into tri shape after a three-year layoff.


Eric was the only man who managed to break the 2-hour barrier last weekend. Most sprint course athletes had finished before the conditions became oppressive, so while their times (Sprint athletes) were fast, the Olympic times, as Ted noted, were not record-setting.

Peter is PETER WIKMAN and Joe is JOE ADRIAENS, both of whom had circumstantially fine performances, ones that landed them on the overall podium. Peter's time was 2:03:29, though not a PR, was nevertheless one of the finest efforts of his young career. Joe, like Sean Cooley, is coming back after a long layoff, thus his 3rd place 2:04:15 was mootivating. We should see a lot of Joe this season.


The women--MAGGIE SWANSON and VANESSA NAGEL--expected to vie for the Top 2 podium spots were no-shows do to injury. This handed the women's race to CAMI ECKHOFF, as long as her body and bike complied. They did and the 2022 Most Improved Female cruised to an unchallenged. victory. The win was the fifth of her impressive young (three years) career.



