Race Coverage

"I Became Stronger"....


By Erin Ladendorf


"It never gets easier, you just get faster...."


IRONMAN MADISON 70.3 (NOT A) RACE REPORT - Thank you Greg LeMond for that amazing quote. And thank you to coach Mike for reminding me of it post race. Because I have never actually felt those words truer than when I raced Ironman 70.3 Madison this last weekend.

I have been racing for going on 6 years. And every single year I am a better athlete than the year before in one way or another. Some year its speed. Other years its mental toughness. Other years it's just learning how to race and maintain my sanity. 2019 is another year of monumental gains for me in several areas of my racing. I am part of an incredible team of people on the Elite Wattie Ink team for starters. And knowing that group for the last year has given me more inspiration than I have had in the last 6 years combined....


However, this is not a race report. If you are looking for one, here is a summary: It was hilly. The run was super hard. I thought I was going to die at the end. (Pretty sure thats how I have summed up every race I've ever done in my career.)

But this race was so special for a lot of reasons. It was seriously the whos who of Midwest triathletes. Like if there was a pageant for the best looking, fastest people who are all super duper nice, this was it. I guess you could say the talent was pretty monumental out on the course!  READ MORE
