Race Coverage

Silver Lining...


By Marc Sontowski


Minnetonka Triathlon Race Report

I was incredibly stoked for this race. The start was 4 miles from where I live, the bike is in my back yard, I have ridden the route numerous times, not even realizing it was the race course. Needless to say, I could probably do the bike course blindfolded if I had faith in people driving automobiles. Not saying I would do well, but It would have just felt like a day out on the bike and fun funfun.

Anyway, show up, setup, and wait to see if the swim is a go or not. We had what some may call less than optimal race weather.I am not a fan of Du’s so when I heard the swim was a go it felt like Christmas morning. Fist pumps, cheers, and clapping by the masses when we found out they were going to let us swim. 

Waiting for our wave (30-39 male) to start, there were a few cracks of thunder, and all of us at the beach were thinking, “just let us go”. We are off and it’s into a nice rainy swim. They said there would be a chance they would pull us out of the water if the weather got bad enough, I was thinking to myself during the swim “not sure how I would know they are trying to pull me out, unless they hit me with a paddle or I ran into the boat?” ...


As I am swimming up to the swim exit volunteers (that are playing wack-a-mole telling you it’s safe to stand up and not slice your toes,) I hear one of them say, “race is over dude” I then see my buddy Tom who was spectating and he is giving me the old trusty hand across the neck motion and then it sunk in that I would not be able to hop on the bike and have all the fun.  They made the call due to safety reasons and I am 100 percent behind that. It was the right call. 

I feel for for the race director and all of the sponsors/volunteers/fire department that put in all the hard work to make this happen. I haven’t been in this sport very long, but it’s always a good time when Jerry is on the horn. The weather can be as shit as it was and he is still there with a smile on his face. 

Thank you to all of the volunteers and everybody involved with putting this on, without you these races can’t happen. 

I can’t wait to sign up for next year.

To all of the first timers, don’t let this one event change the way you feel about this sport. Nobody can control the weather. 

Silver lining- I was able to have a beer much sooner than expected :)

It’s 2pm and the weather cleared up , it was much needed to hop on the single speed and head back out to Excelsior to hit up a brewery. 

