Race Coverage

Toasted Legs...



By Corey Nygaard (swimcoreyrun.blogspot.com)


CHATTANOOGA 70.3 WORLDS Race Report - Fourteen Months ago, my body had no idea what it was in for over the coming months. The reason that time frame was so important: that is when I qualified for Chattanooga, In July of 2016. Long time to get ready, right?!


Two Ironmans and two 70.3 races later, I somehow made it alive to the weekend I had lost focus on so many times. I think when a race is so far off, it can be hard to stay focused on that one goal. It was probably a good thing I had races to keep my motivation high and the work, well, hard.

I'll start off with a few short snippets of a few of my summer races, that did not really meet my expectations.


Racine 70.3 - I got to race with one of best friends in his first sorta half distance race. Since the swim was cancelled, for the second year in a row, it was basically a time trial. I managed a solid AG placing and Branden is off to Worlds in South Africa next year, awesome man. This run was incredibly painful as I had just started down the road of IT Band issues.  ...



Hoot Lake Sprint - Love this race because its at my cabin. And during vacation. Win-Win. Hard to say this was enjoyable because of my Knee pain, but my Mom, Sis and Branden were all there racing. That made it worth it. They all placed in their AG and that was so cool to see.

Young Life Olympic - Given the status of my knee still at this point, I knew coming into this race I was not going to do the whole thing. I considered it a strong Swim-Bike training day and was pleased with how that went. I was in 2nd place overall through the swim and bike, then I proceeded to run 1 mile out of T2 and turn around and call it. Such a hard thing to do, but there is a bigger picture this year. Props Branden, I think we know your distance.   READ MORE
