Race Coverage

"I Gave it My All"...

Jphnny_Block.pngED. Voting for Triathletes Choice Race of the Year concludes tonight at 11:59 PM. VOTE

By Johnny Surprise

Ironman Maryland Race Report - My goal of completing 10 Ironman's was somewhat met on Saturday. The conditions were really bad and the flooding and high tide that engulfed the second half of the marathon was the craziest thing I've ever experienced in a race! With the cancellation of the swim, we were forced to do time trail start which pushed my start time to 9:40. The late start guaranteed me to get stuck in the muck and water. I gave it my all physically and I made sure to stay calm and just keep grinding and smiling!

This sport has had major role in my life since 1999. It is and will always be a measuring stick for me to test my mental and physical toughness as well as my ability to suffer and to do my very best when I really don't want to. It was here when I needed it most during the early years of my sobriety. It has given me long lasting friendships that I am so very thankful for. Evan Reed and Jennifer Martone are two of my dearest friends and fierce training partners and competitors who have always been there for me and who have made me better.
On Saturday, I had Wendy, my boys and Mimi who traveled down from West Point just to support me. This was Dylan and Jax's first time watching me compete in an Ironman. To see them along the course was incredible for...

me. They gave me so much energy and emotion when I saw all of them, it was so great and a huge emotional uplift. The last 8 miles of having to run in and out high water really sucked and hurt me and my time, but when I thought of my boys watching me everything got easier. Crossing the finish line and having them right there to hug and hold was one of the greatest moments in my life that I will cherish forever. All of these years of training and racing hasn't been easy on me or my family, to have Wendy there to support and to also push me when I needed it most has been awesome. She has never questioned or complained, just get it done and give it my best effort is all that she has asked.

Thank you Kris Swarthout for coaching me this entire year, yes, you did teach an old dog some new tricks! You really brought a calm into my training and I agree, just think what we could have accomplished if we would have done this some years earlier??? You know you're stuff Homeboy.

"The only thing you deserve is what you earn" - Tom Brands
