Race Coverage

Desire & Alcohol...

TWO_ERINS.pngBy Erin Sontowski (bikesandcatsrightmeow.blogspot.com)

TOUGHMAN RACE REPORT - Well, my road to a 70.3 this year was interesting to say the least.
DNF at Liberty Half to start the year out. Ok, that's fine, I shook it off.
And then came Racine Ironman 70.3. My "A" Race. The big race of my 2016 season. I even planned a mini vacation with Marc around this race as sort of a celebratory hoorah after I was done. And also to sort of butter my husband up, as he has been nothing short of amazing this entire year.

Seriously, if you ever meet a partner who is willing to deal with taper week mood swings and to sit outside for hours and hours after getting up at 4 am, KEEP THEM FOREVER...


If you haven't heard, Racine was a bit of let down due to weather issues. There was a huge severe storm cell that literally went right over us as the race was supposed to begin. That then meant a cancelled swim, and 3 hour delay. Which pretty much meant the end of the world to a group of 2000 neurotic triathletes. Myself included. All my meticulous planning, my minute-by-minute nutrition and hydration were just catapulted out the window with a delay and shortened course. Nonetheless, I was there to race so I did. Ultimately I went out a bit hard on the bike, more than I should have. And 30 mph winds reallllly didn't help my cause. So by the time I got to the run, I was cooked. My legs were jelly and I completely bonked with my nutrition plan. Oh yeah, fun fact: I lost all 3 of my water bottles on that bike course. I feel like I should have brought a fat bike or monster truck to absorb all the shock from the potholes on the roads.

So it was a tough course. An intense bike. A Hot run. You know, all the shitty things that you could hope for when doing your first long course. But I did it. Slowly, but I did it.

After that race, Marc and I did what anyone would do. We showered and went to a bar. I mean, come on, we were in Wisconsin after all. I had a glass of wine and immediately ordered a beer. Then I began looking up 70.3 races in Minnesota in the coming weeks. And believe me, after not drinking for a few weeks, all sorts of stupid ideas sound good after 2 drinks.

And then the heavens opened and music played and I stumbled upon Chisago Toughman 70.3 THE NEXT WEEKEND. Timing could not have been better! I will be running Twin Cities Marathon in October, so if I was going to do another half, now is the time. Plus, Mike gave me the go ahead. Which getting my brother to agree to any of my shenanigans is a victory in itself. I mean, if my coach thinks it's fine, then it MUST be a good idea. READ MORE
