Race Coverage

Tight Pants & Pith...

PITHY-STUFF.gifBy Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)

Ironman Wisconsin Race Report - I believe we all have time for what we want to have time for.  With that being said….it’s been a long time between part two and now part three.  The race feels so long ago and maybe part of the reason it feels so long ago is how tight my jeans are.  Race shape leaves quickly when eating too much pizza with 5 teenage boys and baking cookies.  I thought I better post the rest of my blog dealing with Ironman Wisconsin since my head has already moved on to ideas of a new blog post and adventures for Team Andres.  I’m getting the blog post done Thanksgiving afternoon while everyone is napping or hunting.  

Part three… The RACE
If I would have listened to my bike numbers or run paces at IM Wisconsin I’m pretty sure I would not have been the first female to cross the finishing tape. I did what I could in the swim with my fitness and swim ability.  However, on the bike I rode harder than I probably should have – given my ...

fitness level.  The run…it was just one step in front of the other the whole way.  I was talking myself out of walking at the 5 minute mark and started doing a countdown in my head….just 3 more hours, and then just 2:45, and ….so many times I wanted to walk. At times, I thought there was no way I could run one more mile much less a block.  BUT, I didn’t walk. I didn’t give up on myself.  I found a new limit each time I told myself…just keep going.

Ironman Wisconsin 2015 wasn’t my fastest Ironman and I didn’t go faster than my course record time from 2012.  However, IM Wisconsin 2015 is the race I am most proud of to date.  In 9 weeks I transformed my body and my mind and on race day I was able to execute a race I am extremely proud of which got me to the finish line as the first female.

It had been over a year since I did a triathlon. My last triathlon was the Lakes Country sprint in August of 2014. An entire year had passed since I felt all the nerves associated with racing.  I had some running races, but I don’t put pressure on myself in a run race like I do for a triathlon.  The feeling was definitely one I didn’t have a problem remembering.  I did have other thoughts entering my mind on race morning…like…why am I doing this??  I remember on my way to the swim start I passed a small group of people finding a spot to watch the race drinking coffee and I was very envious of them.  I was thinking…that looks so much more enjoyable right now. READ MORE
