Race Coverage

Friendly Rivalry...

jeff-and-scott.gifPhoto - L - R - Jeff Gilmer and Scott Ransom.

By Jeff Gilmer (excerpted from Facebook)

Today (March 1) was the Lifetime Indoor Tri at Maple Grove, MN. While this Tri is really for fun, it also represents my second test for 2015 after nursing back from my torn Achilles last September, more on that later. It’s also a great time to enjoy the triathlon life with friends, and today it was to include Mary Deeg, Scott Ransom, Christine Shelton and Jordan Roby. We had a couple last minutes changes in the line-up, Mary had surgery on her ankle and Jordan came down with a cold so they were unable to participate. Mary agreed to take the photos today, provide support and cheer us on. Christine had a great day, she and I shared a swim lane, and the three of us raced side by side on the bike and the run. Christine looked great, we could tell her training has paid off and she was all smiles.
A little history here, Scott and I met 2009 at the Y in spin class. In 2010, we both we entered IMWI, Scott the veteran and I a very naïve triathlete. We trained together some, supporting each other. Scott obviously could pretty much swim, ride or run away from me with ease. His ability showed as he took first in our age group at IMWI qualifying for 2011 Kona....

In 2012, Scott took a year off to relax and we got out for a little fishing. He also provided support, advice, pushed me on rides and lots of advice as I prepared for my second IM. He showed up on race day to keep me going through those tough times at every mile of the run. In 2013, Scott decided to get back into the Tri scene.maple-grove-indoor.gifEvery Sunday from the months November through April, Mary and I open our house for anyone who wants to join in on Spinerval’s indoor training ride. The two of us have suffered through many multiple hour indoor bike rides, supported each and Scott provide much wisdom to the naïve Triathlete (me). Scott is the confident one and I more of a talker, so at first he was the listener, or more like I was a little overbearing asking lots of questions. Over time we developed that bond and respect when you have endured a 4.5 hour indoor ride together. Scott is a very humble person, but I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the knowledge, support, and pushing each other in our training and the incredible friendship that has developed.
Where is all this leading? The interesting fact is that Scott and I have not raced against each other since Ironman 2010. While we are in the same age group, surprisingly it has not occurred, some times out of our schedules (mainly mine with five teenagers) and other times intentionally. We have been there to cheer and support each other at several races over the years and Scott was there at mile 3 last year when I tore my Achilles at 2014 IMWI and was forced to stop.
Fast forward to today, the indoor Tri was the first time we actually participated in the same event since 2010. While we all knew this was for fun, it was also a way to test our fitness. For the swim Scott dominated everyone as expected, we were side by side on the bike and again on the run, each pushing the other many times with no words spoken (mainly because we were out of breath), but it was that respectful friendship that we both enjoyed, something only those who train together in the Tri community can really understand.
So Scott, thanks for all the support, advice, mentorship and friendship over the years, and yes Triathlon is much more than a race, it’s the great people and common bond.
FYI, I mentioned this was my second test, everything is right on track. Faster in all three areas than at the Indoor Tri in January, only 11 weeks until IMTX.
