Race Coverage

Lendway is World Champion!...Updated...

heather-and-dani.gifITU EDMONTON WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - How competitive was the women's field at LIfe Time Tri - Minneapolis in July? Would you believe that the Top 3 women there were also the Top 3 women at Edmonton Worlds this morning?

It's true. St. Paul's HEATHER LENDWAY, Californian ROBYN POMEROY and Wausau, Wisconsin by way of Rochester, Minnesota's DANI FISCHER not only repeated their Minneapolis Tri positions, they formed a USA podium, something that hasn't been done in a long, long, time. All three women appear destined for national post-season honors.

Also, the last time an American woman had won both the National and World Championships was in 2005, when Virginian MARGIE SHAPIRO made it happen. Shapiro was undefeated back then, and Lendway is undefeated, in non-drafting races, that is, this year. Additionally, Heather's 2014 win total is now 10. The last Minnesota woman to accomplish double-digit wins was BECKY YOUNGBERG, back in 2011.

Lendway became a triathlete in 2012 and now has 20 victories (in 26 starts), including TWO National Championship titles and a Worlds crown.....


We are still sifting though results to see how other MInnesotans fared. We do know that DIANE HANKEE placed  5th in her 35-39 AG.

Dani Fischer, by the way, has raced often enough on Minnesota soil this season (4 times) to be considered for MMA nominations and a spot on Team Minnesota. Here are Heather's and Dani's Edmonton splits:

HEATHER LENDWAY - Swim - 19:02 - Bike - 1:03:00 - Run - 42:23 - 2:09:32 - 1st Overall / 1st 30-34W

DANI FISCHER - Swim - 25:05 - Bike - 1:01:58 - Run - 38:08 - 2:09:58 - 3rd Overall / 2nd 25-29W

UPDATE: Humongous congratulations go out to Corcoran's CHERYL ZITUR (50-54W) and NEIL KING (65-69M) of Nevis, both of whom earned Bronze Medals in their respective AGs.

