Race Coverage

Fun Size Snickers & Pink Ninjas...


By Mike McConkey

WALKER TRI RACE REPORT - Most of us love to go fast but realize if we speed excessively you will be chased down by one of the many law enforcement officials that patrol our roads to keep us safe.....


Saturday, a bunch of us,  including 4 other Lakes Area Multisport members ( LAMs) and me,  got to  return the favor at the 5th annual  Chase the Police Triathlon in Walker.  The weather was almost perfect with a slight wind and sunny skies which has been rare this race season!  Added bonus is that one of the MTN Guys announces this race which we all know adds an extra amount of excitement and humor to an event.  He even gave out “fun” size snickers for first time racers, fat tires, mountain bikes, and baskets on the bike.  Aero vs Snickers… hmmmmmm.  For you athletes who like to sleep in, the race has a 9AM start time and for anyone like me who is swim and run challenged but love to bike, this course is a dream come true with it’s disproportionately long bike leg.lams-guys.gif

The race begins with a quarter mile swim, which may or may not have been a little long this year,  in Leech Lake and the first wave in made up of military, EMT, firefighters, and police officers who follow the ceremonial donut into the water.  The rest of the waves then “chase” them around the course.   The 17 mile bike starts with a technical 2 miles out to highway 34 then includes a few nice climbs as you connect back to the Heartland bike trail for a fast trip back into town and back to a technical finish as you weave your way back to the park.  The bike course is really fun as it give you a variety of climbs, turns, and fast straight a ways and the intersections are controlled by retired military on motorcycles who carry large American Flags.  The 2.8 mile run is a out and back that starts with hard climb out of the park and through the parking lot.  You continue to climb to the turn around then get to run mostly down hill back to the finish which makes for a fast return.  The out and back also lets you see where you are standings wise which is always helpful.  Leech Lake is visible for much of the run and if the wind is right you get a nice cooling breeze! The course had lots of volunteers and was very well marked.

This years race was won by the super fast Brian Sames. Thomas Anderson III, from Minneapolis,  took second in  his first race of the year, and the really tall and fellow LAM’s Dave Thomes finished a close 3rd for his first overall podium.  The women’s race was won by Cheryl Zitur who broke Michelle Andres’ CR from 2011.  The “Pink Ninja” Sara Carlson, another fast LAM’s  finished a close second followed in by Jasmine Carlson for 3rd.  (no relation).   The first male in the Law Enforcement division was David Leard and Jessica Hinkley was the first female in LED. 

Once you finish, the post race vittles include what else but donuts!! (Plain, sugar or glazed!)  There are some really cool prizes raffled off to all the racers including a stand up paddle board and a kayak!   

If you are looking for a great race in a great location put this race on your calendar for next year.  There is even a kids fun run and duathlon on Friday night so bring the family for a race weekend get away.

Complete results….LINK   

Photos by Ellen Thomes. Group Shot (L-R) - Dave Thomes, Mike McConkey, Sara (Pink Ninja) Carlson, Matt Dickinson, and Kari Whitlock, who had to grovel in order to get into the race.
