Race Coverage

Love & 2.5 Bags of I.V. Stuff...

kortBy Kortney Haag (From kortneyhaag.blogspot.com)

Ironman Wisconsin Race Report - I don't want to make this a super long post because I am still trying to get my life back together after being gone for four days and then I am leaving in two days to see one of my athletes finish her first triathlon out in Malibu, California.

I had a great day in Wisconsin but it didn't turn out the way I had planned, some things went out of the plan but that is what happens during an Ironman - you have to expect the unexpected.

We packed up the van on Friday, there were three kids and three adults and I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to get it all in there. We were pretty packed in!

We drove to the hotel in Wisconsin and my sister then took the kids and the van to my mom's house who lives a little over an hour south of Madison. I was so grateful for her to make the trip, she helped us so much with the kids and then she had her own to take care of!helix

It was pretty awesome to be a part of all the buzz that was going on in the city and I was very excited to race. Poor Derek got some of the brunt of my nervousness and anticipation as I had a couple of melt downs about my coffee being cold and not getting my oatmeal right - thanks Derek for putting up with me.

I knew the day was going to be a little chiller than expected and I was going back and forth on what to wear - I decided just to wear my Gear West jersey with triathlon shorts and arm warmers because I do get cold out there and I like to race in the heat!

Race day arrived and felt good to go. I got in the water at a good time and got to see fellow Minnesotan Anthony Hirschman waiting in line so that helped calm my nerves. I lined up just by the ski jump and I treaded water for about 6 mins. I didn't get beat up too bad but there were a couple of times some man hands came after me. The only time it got real physical was when we were going around or close to the buoys. I found some feet to swim on for the last section of the race and that was nice. Running up the helix was awesome - I saw Derek and my family and I knew it was going to be a fun day. READ MORE
