Race Coverage

25% More Than 50% Right....

ddheather(Cool Photos -Square Lake Short Course champs Dennis Dane and Heather Lendway. Pics courtesy of Drewey Frakes and Kerry Yndedstad.)

Square Lake Short Course - The sagely Yogi Berra said that 50% of baseball is 90% mental. Gee, who can argue with that? We predicted that Jeff Grebner and luminous-futured rookie Heather Lendway would win yesterday, and using Berra-ian logic, it turns out that we were 25% more than half right.


Let us 'splain. Lendway did win. Greb did not. BUT Jeffer was the fastest guy on the registration list that we saw, a roster that was later updated and featured ultimate podiumers Dennis Dane, Chris Sachs, who is a HOOT!, and Ross Weinzierl, who is also a HOOT. Dennis is probably a hoot, too, but because he's been absent from Minnesota's tri scene for a few years, we have been unable to actually witness any of his hootish antics.

We digress.

Greb, a mild-mannered semi-hoot, finished 4th behind the aforementioned late registrants. Doing the division, or as Jethro from "The Beverly Hillbillies" would say, the "gazintas" (i.e. one gazinta four four times), we can conclude that picking Jeff to win was either 25% correct, or 75% wrong.

Think about it.

According to the printed results, Ellen Backus placed 2nd behind Lendway. This does not surprise us, though her posted swim split was faster than anything that the Chinese girl from the London Olympics who turned in a relay split that was faster than Ryan Lochte's at the same distance, could match.

We suspect that a wave adjustment is called for here.

This wave thing happens from time to time and is easy to correct, thus we plan to update this post after Ellen's time is either confirmed or amended. FYI, we'd like to tell you a bunch of stuff about Ellen, but she doesn't appear to have a Facebook page. However, because she is now 46, this means that she was 13 in 1979, suggesting that she probably danced to "Y.M.C.A." at the middle school dance, and that her favorite song of that year was Billboard Top 100 chart-topper "My Sharona," by The Knack.

The girls who were listed as tying for 3rd at Square Lake SC were Bridget McCoy, who won the St. Paul Sprint three weeks earlier, and Julie Sebek, who, if the FB page we consulted is actually hers, plays cribbage, loves Adele (Who doesn't?) and the Foo Fighters. Julie placed 5th in this race last year. RESULTS

PS - Sorry 'bout the typos and bad syntax. We edit our stuff periodically. Not often enough. We're usually appalled at what we find.
