Race Coverage

Name That Newborn...

babyDavid Thompson and Hannah Sullivan are expecting their first child any minute now. Heck, he may already be born and we just haven't gotten the news yet.


Yup. The couple is expecting a boy. They may not have wanted to know the baby's gender but the ultrasound guy probably spilled the beans, i.e. the frank and beans, when he wanded over the fetus' junk, thereby televising that unmistakeable feature for the parents to see whether they wanted to or not.

Babies need names and the MTN Guys want to help DKT and Hannah select just the right moniker for their new or impending son. We think they should name him after...

famous people or iconic things because according to many Babyologists, doing so may push the offspring to future success and/or coolness. It's a self-fulfilling legacy sort of deal.

So now, here are our recommendations from A to Z. Feel free to add your suggestions in the COMMENT section at the bottom of the post.

charlemagne- A - Axl ("Guns 'n Roses" awesome frontman)

- B - Beowulf (A Scandinavian hero guy)

- C - Charlemagne (Ancient ruler - image L)

- D - d'Artagnan (A guy who hung out with the 3 Musketeers)

- E - Engelbert (After Engelbert Humperdinck, the German composer or the aging crooner who is now playing at the Holiday Inn Express in Branson)

- F - Ferdinand (Spanish King)

- G - Garfunkel (Androgynous singer)

- H - Hulk (A famous steroidal wrestler or Marvel Comics superhero with rage management issues)

- I - Iggy (After punk rocker Iggy Pop or the cartoon guy.)

- J - Jambalaya (Nummy Creole food, this name would work for a girl, too)

- K - Kierkegaard (Danish Existentialist)

- L - Langley (FBI place)

mav- M - Maverick (After Tom Cruise's character in "Top Gun")

- N - Newton (The guy who invented gravity or the running shoe brand)

- O - Oglethorpe (British General and founder of the Georgia Colony)

- P - Pontius (After Pontius Pilates, the inventor of a popular strength and flexibility regimen)

- Q - Quill (The sharp things that stick out of porcupines)

- R - Ripley (The "Believe It or Not" guy)

- S - Spidey (Spider Man's nickname)

- T - Tungsten - (A metal ore used to make knives)

- U - U (After U Thant, a Burmese diplomat and former Secretary-General of the United Nations)

- V - Viscount (A British royalty deal. Better than a baron, not as important as an earl.)

- W - Westinghouse (American manufacturer of electrical stuff)

- X - Xenocrates (Greek philosopher who agreed with most of Plato's stuff)

beowulf- Y - Yul (A bald actor)

- Z - Zenith (The top of tall things)

These names do not sound as goofy when the last name, Thompson, is added. "Spidey Thompson." "Westinghouse Thompson." See what we mean. Pretty good, huh?
