Race Coverage

Seeing What This Thing is All About...

christinaPhoto - Life Time-Fridley Indoor champ, Christina Meier.

By Lisa Wacek

Race Coverage & Stuff - Last Sunday, I went to the Lifetime Indoor Triathlon in Fridley to cheer on some friends who were racing. I wanted to see what this indoor tri thing was all about and show some support for my friends Christina Meier, Scott Koke, Chad Motzko and Lisa Brown who were all competing. I used the terms racing and competing because that is what it was! It was fun to watch everyone push themselves including a lot of first timers who wanted to see what this tri thing was all about. Or the others who have past tri experience and were motivated to test their fitness before the season officially starts. There was a lot of huffing, puffing and sweating going down that morning at Lifetime. Pools of sweat accumulated under the spin bikes and all over the treadmills. It was fun to watch and I was thankful I didn't get talked into signing up. I have a bad habit of getting talked into races.... see below paragraph for reference. The thought of running hard on the treadmill with nothing to listen to but the sound of your breathing for 20 minutes didn't look to be fun. I was just there to provide water, gels and cheer them on. I was happy to see my friends doing so well and the sense of accomplishment the first timers felt when they finished the run. Christina who has been working hard this off...

season on her bike and run was putting down some strong numbers. She is going to have a great season this year and I am excited to watch her. Scott was leaving nothing to chance in an attempt to win when he ratcheted up the treadmill to faster pace the last 5 minutes to gain more mileage. Chad and Lisa were the last to hit the treadmills and they did it in style by running a solid consistent pace and picking it up the last 5 minutes. I did my first tri because Lisa talked me into signing up....see the theme.... They all did amazing! Christina and Scott won for overall which was awesome! A first win for both of them. Lisa was the first female Master and Chad had a top 10 overall finish.
