Race Coverage

Chase, Mace, Megan, Chella Et Al....

chasemegan(Photos L - R - Chase Higgins. We're not sure if he is the Chase Higgins who won the LT-Plymouth Indoor last Sunday and Megan Trickey, who did claim the women's title there.)

Race Coverage - Mace Pfutzenreuter did not win the Life Time-Plymouth Indoor Triathlon last weekend. But we wish he had. Why? Because he has the coolest and most interesting name of all the male contestants. We think his last name is pronounced "Futzen-Royter." We assume that the "P" is silent.

Though Mace, who is an annual participant at the Buffalo Triathlon, did not come in first on Sunday, he nevertheless did very well. He placed 6th overall. Good for you Mace. See you at TriBuff....

The athlete with the coolest female name, in our opinion, was Chella Hjelm because it is impossible, probably even for family members, to accurately pronounce. Our phonetic guess is "Shaylla Yelm," but we know that we've gotta be wrong.

Like Mace, Chella raced well at LT-Plymouth, also finishing 6th among members of her gender.remote

Chella has a Facebook page from which we learned lots of cool stuff about her. She's married, very pretty, has 111 FB friends and ALWAYS gets a good night's sleep. How do we know that she sleeps good? Well, she works at Select Comfort, makers of the extraordinary Sleep Number bed. Naturally, she owns one herself. She, therefore, is doomed to sleeping well.

Sleep Number beds are the best. MTN Girl, Trudles, is a 50 or 55. Her husband is a 35. Trudles and her husband cannot afford a Sleep Number bed and need Trazodone to facilitate nocturnal unconsciousness. We wonder what Chella's sleep number is?

Sixty swim, turbo-trainer, treadmill runners participated at the Plymouth club last weekend. The indoor conditions were perfect: 70ish-degrees and no wind. The guy who garnered the most points was Chase Higgins, a great-looking guy who used to live in New Jersey. He loves the music of Michael Jackson and David Bowie. Unless, of course, it was the "other" Chase Higgins who resides in the Twin Cities but grew up in Shawnee, Kansas and is a fan of Tosh O., who is a total hoot, who actually won the race. We're not sure.

The women's winner was Megan Trickey, who finished in 4th pace overall. Awesome! Another participant with a great name. Megan has a total crush on Tim Tebow, who'll probably be traded soon because Peyton Manning was just signed by the Broncos. (Nice work Vikings! Way to NOT go after Manning!) Megan is a Marquette graduate and should be very happy that the Golden Eagles made it into the NCAA Sweet 16.

