Race Coverage

Cool People, Cool Event...

gregsarah(Photos - L - R

Greg is also a pretty goshdarned good triathlete. Winner of the Lake Marion Sprint last August, Greg posted a convincing victory last Sunday at the OptumHealth Indoor Tri #3 in Eden Prairie.

Though tall, Greg wasn't the most vertical guy in the field on Sunday. That distinction belonged to the heavily tattoed Tim Hoffard, who claimed to be 6'5," but seemed taller than that, especially to older people who have already begun to shrink. Tim's entire back was a Hindi allegory, featuring the goddess Shiva (photo R) doing the Nataraja dance of Creation and Destruction. It was so cool, sort of the Sistine Chapel of backs.shiva

Like Greg, Tim is an extremely nice guy. He loved the "Hunger Games" book series and is anxious to see the movie. He also likes National Geographic stuff, both the TV specials and the magazines. He admits that when he was an adolescent, he enjoyed looking at the "naked native" pictures in the mags.

Making her tri debut at OHP#3 was Sarah Klemmensen, who wore really cool nail polish, the color of which no male could name. Gorgeous race volunteer, Tiffany Storms, who is really bummed because she has a rather serious shoulder injury, guessed that Sarah's nails were "Vibrant Peacock Blue." What does that mean? FYI, the totally lovely Santi Bromley, who has been conspicuously absent for the last few seasons, also volunteered. Gosh, it was great to see her again. She's one of the coolest people ever.

Though she had yet to do a tri, Klemmensen, who is scary smart, which you can tell just by looking at her (she a psychologist or something), and throw-caution-to-the-wind ambitious, is signed up to do Ironman Wisconsin next September. Yikes! Her coach is Cathy Yndestad, which means that her tri career is in excellent hands.

Sarah loves food and music and her five-year-old son. She's originally from Chippewa Falls and admits that she's hammered her share of Leinenkugel products. She especially loves wheat beers, like Honey Weis and Berry Weis, to which she adds olives. Her all-time favorite beer is Spotted Cow, which is brewed in New Glarus, Wisconsin, and she complains that it's hard to find in the Twin Cities. Sarah, have you ever visited Thomas Liquors, which is across the street from Performance Cycles in St. Paul? They probably carry Spotted Cow.

beerHere are the results and some random commentary from last Sunday's indoor:

1. GREG DUMMER - S - 6:37.85, B - 15:36.00, R - 12:28 - TOTAL: 34:42 (Stay-at-Home dad)

2. ERIC BOYUM - S - 7:42.36, B - 19:26.61, R - 16:20 - TOTAL: 43:28 (Eric loves wine and golf and is an indoor tri veteran)

3. KEVIN KNIGHT - S 8:53.03, B - 18:09:13, R - 17:36 - TOTAL: 44:38

5. TIM HOFFARD - S - 8:38.20, B - 20:17:07, R - 17:04 - TOTAL: 45:59 (Tattoo guy)

6. ERIC BUTTERFIELD - S - 8:39.83, B - 19:20.86, R - 19:51 - TOTAL: 47:52 (Eric has lost 36 pounds--he used to weigh 278!--and is signed-up to do Minneman Olympic and Ironman Wisconsin)

7. LISA REYES - S - 9:14:55, B - 25:18.13, R - 17:45 - TOTAL:
