Going Long...And Other Stuff...

tracy(Photo - The totally cool Tracy Serreyn. It's about time we posted a pic of her, goshdarnit!)

* IN THE VERY LONG RUN - There was a really big-time running event in town last weekend. The Twin Cities Marathon & TC 10-Miler. You may have heard of them.

Well, a number of triathletes participated and did pretty goshdarned good. TJ Varecka, for instance, popped a 2:42:21. And multiple MMA nominee Michelle Andres turned in Youngberg (1:05:13), Keisha Neitzell (1:06:36), Kortney Haag (1:08:10), DOY nominee Tina Hjeltman (1:08:19), MOY t & Tnominee Ann Snuggerud (1:08:26), Tara Croteau (1:08:32), DOY Nominee Suzie Finger (1:09:17), Jody Zeleznikar (1:10:09), Tina Welzien (1:10:37) (photo R with Teresa B), Annie Stokes (1:11:22), Lisa Hines (1:11:37), Sadie Briggs (1:11:54), Christina Roberts (1:12:12), Jackie Devine (1:12:48), 2x US DOY Kris Miller (1:12:58), Teresa Brenneke (1:13:11) (photo R with Tina W), Kari Campbell (1:13:20), Robin Tedlund (1:13:51), Rebecca Karnes (1:13:56), Renee Saxman (1:14:44) and Tracy Serreyn (1:14:51), who had a totally breakout tri season!

And here are the tri/du dudes, the ones we were able to recognize, who popped 1:05s or faster: Brent Loberg (58:20), Chad Millner (58:23), MOY nominee Charlie Roach (1:00:34), Troy Anderson (1:01:12), MMA Selection Committeeman Steve Stenzel (1:01:20), Greg Rhodes (1:01:45), Cliff Owen (1:02:09), Joe Litsey (1:03:41) and Patrick Acciani (1:04:23). TC-10 RESULTS

Once again, ff we've overlooked anyone, PLEASE use the ADD COMMENT feature below to post your name and time.

jan* ROCKING SOCKS - You may have noticed that perennial TC Marathoner Jan Guenther was NOT on the starting line this year. That was because she opted to do a different 26-miler this fall. Back on September 24, Jan finished 2ND WOMAN / 10TH OVERALL at the ridiculously challenging Birkie Trail Marathon. Her time was 3:47:30, an amazing clocking on that torturous route, and even more amazing when you consider that two weeks earlier the phenomenal 52-year-old rocked socks at Ironman Wisconsin (3rd amateur woman / 1st Master / 10:42:04). (Birkie Trail Marathon RESULTS)

Jan loves the Birkie Trail, the site of many of her world class Nordic performances. That's right, she's a world-level XC skier. And that's not all. A glance at her competitive resume--ski, tri, du, run, paddle sports, MTB etc.--has us believing that she HAS TO BE the premier 50+ female endurance athlete in North American, and perhaps the world.

(Photo - Jan totally rocking socks at IMOO '11)


Registration for the 2012 Lake Minnetonka Triathlon is now open and over 100 of the 600
